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Shameful behaviour of an Indian SEO

Published 26th July 2013 |
Read latest comment - 27th July 2013

Hello everyone! I am from Kalka, India. I am new to this and am looking forward to learning more from the community. I am specifically interested in bookkeeping, payroll and various financial services and consultancy as I recently switched career. Any input will be appreciated.

Wendy James
Welcome aboard How is India today?


Normally we ban and delete low quality posts from SEO bods, especially when they pretend to be from the UK or US, but their IP is registered in India.

But the person posting under the name of "Wendy James" has reached in my mind a new all time low, in an attempt to deceit people, just for the sake of an attempted link dump or some SEO advantage.

Wendy James uploaded an avatar, supposedly of herself. Infact she/he grabbed the image off Google, and the image being used (which I have now removed) was that of a Canadian woman murdered in 2011. There was no argument or coincidence, the exact avatar image was taken from the multitude of news sites displaying the same image. I'm not going to post a link to the actual story as there is no need to cause any upset if this got indexed.

But I will email the company that "wendy" supposedly works for, which is based in the USA, and I'll await their reaction.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I am sorry to comment on this, but it is disgusting.
Spam is spam - we are all used to it, but using the picture of a murdered woman as an avatar - well you are either sick or your bot has gone too far away. So what`s next? I don`t want to think about it! Thanks Steve, for protecting the forums from such things!

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dang. I saw that their IP was from India, but didn't think they would go this far. Will make a mental note and check stuff like this.

Oddly though, there are some that create facebook profiles as well, using images taken from the web more or less the same way this person did. Just I dont think they went as far as to do what this person has. and I never thought it would make its way to forums.


Have just heard back from both founders of the company, which is US based, and they have both expressed shock and sincerely apologised. They are investigating why this happened, but I think we all know this is just a case of cheap outsourcing.

Interesting though, it's not just site owners that have to worry about the effects of low grade SEO work on their web sites, it looks like bigger marketing companies and agencies need to start considering some of their outsourcing strategy Ethics and decency seemed to be sliding to an all time low in the name of cost cutting and getting things done on the cheap..

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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