Doing business in the United States

By : Forum Member
Published 5th September 2013 |
Read latest comment - 6th September 2013

Hello All,

I am thinking or considering setting up an American business. The business I am looking to setup is mainly an online business. So it can be done from almost anywhere. However, I am thinking American businesses and American people would when they look at the company details would generally prefer dealing with an American legal entity than a foreign one.

I would like to hear peoples views and opinions on this. I would also like to hear from anyone who has setup an American business/legal entity and I want to know is it a lot of hassle? Is it expensive to manage and maintain? I am not looking to live in the states. Although I visit from time to time. I currently have no desire to live there.


Interesting one. Although haven't set up a US legal identity, we have set up a specific US targeted website.

On the US site, we show our UK address details in the footer, and make it clear any support is via email. If you are showing a local geographic address, then people will expect a local phone number for customer support issues.

For our market, advertising, keeping it as email support hasn't deterred people from signing up, but if revenue was substantial enough, then I would look to have a locally based office and support.

Guess it depends on the business model and revenue expectations. Maybe put a toe in the water and see if it's viable before spending too much?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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