Confusion About Article Submission.

By : Growing Business
Published 8th September 2013 |
Read latest comment - 10th September 2013

I have some confusion about Article Submission. As i know Google Hates Duplicate Content. Then When we Go to Article Submission we have One Article To Submit in Different Directories. If Two or More of them Directories Accept my Article, Then Would they not be Considered as Duplicate Content??

Hi Angela

Here's a post that covered this a while back:

Not sure of the current state of play, I must admit I thought articles in general had been on the decline for a long while.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Hi Angela

Here's a post that covered this a while back:

Not sure of the current state of play, I must admit I thought articles in general had been on the decline for a long while.

This Article is Too old.. Can you please tell me what is the new trend.


This Article is Too old.. Can you please tell me what is the new trend.

Judging by your signature, location and posts, I guess you are somehow related to SEO and after some old school forum link building. So, you should know more about new trend in SEO. Google doesn't like duplicate content, and so are all good article submission sites.

This article on searchenginewatch will give you an overview of some SEO techniques you need to stop or refine your strategy to make sure you are not a victim every time Google goes through major algorithm changes.

In summary, don't post the same articles to hundreds of sites. Write genuine interesting articles and publish them in your own blog or guest post it to other popular blogs. If your article is interesting enough, anyone will publish it on their blogs with a link to yours.


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