New 50% tax rate comes into force

By : Administrator
Published 6th April 2010 |
Read latest comment - 12th April 2010

From the Beeb:

A new 50% tax rate for top earners has come into force at the start of the financial year.

The new rate will affect the 300,000 highest earners in the UK, out of the 29 million people who pay income tax.

It will be levied on taxable incomes greater than

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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No worries here.


bonsai passion

forum avatarKip FX Design
6th April 2010 10:01 PM
Directorships will get around it with the gains, 10% and dividends surely?

With loss of personal allowances for income over


More taxes, better get myself a new accountant?

Mark Pitts

More taxes, better get myself a new accountant?

Hi Mark

This change has been around for a while and there's more in the pipeline!


A fantastic way to encourage underhand tactics & quality to leave the country... I salute you Mr. Brown (unfortunately for you, it is the one fingered salute)


I so wish earlier generations had experienced the down-side of a labour government, that way the Tories would have a huge % lead.

One finger salute also from this poster.

bonsai passion

forum avatarKip FX Design
12th April 2010 8:34 PM
I had an email from Flora (tory office) today, asking if it was ok to use my name against the NI increase, I said yep, and sent her the pic I did of Gordon Brown! I rarely swear on a forum, but he is a Twat! (sorry Ste)

Another one fingered salute here

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