100 days and ticking! Election gloves come off

By : Administrator
Published 27th January 2015 |
Read latest comment - 13th February 2015

So all the parties are laying out their policies and polishing their sound bites

UKIP reckon they are not interested in joining a coalition, the Tories are bigging up Immigration reforms and talking about Tax Cuts with Labour pledging to make the NHS a priority.

Will the LibDems be able to restore faith and recover supporters lost through their coalition with the Tories. 

Has the growth in UKIP taken away enough disgruntled Tory voters to pose serious damage to Tory chances? Is the door open again for Labour, or is the image problem of Miliband a show stopper?

Has the TV debate storm blown over or has damage already been done before the cameras roll?

Regardless of which direction you lean politically, if nothing else it's going to be the most interesting and possibly aggressive campaign we've see in a long time.

Are you unaffected by the rhetoric and propaganda, with long allegiance to a particular party, or are you swayed by new arguments and new comers like UKIP? Or are you one of the many apathetic?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Oh, I was so tempted to let rip....

About how this government has dismantled so many public sector services and how they continue to put the public at risk, shamelessly privatising public sector jobs on the grounds of saving money but in reality the public often pay more for a worse service. Even child protection services are now under threat from the private sector who eagerly anticipate yet another untapped cash cow. 

Yes private companies really can make crime pay.....

regrettably in my new role I am in effect barred from openly criticising the minister responsible for managing my department or indeed the government for encouraging cronyism... so in the absence of alcohol I will saying nothing. Suffice to say, I eagerly look forward to casting my vote in May 2015. 

Ray Priestley

I'm guessing you are a civil servant as a day job? Go on let rip I won't tell anyone 

Be great to get the behind the scenes vibes from civil servants who are slaves to political masters they have no respect or belief in. Be better than a crappy tv debate



Normally at this stage in the electoral cycle you'd have a pretty good idea who'd win ... now ?

My constituency is a safe Tory seat so how I vote doesn't matter, I wish it did. 


I totally keep out of politics, I don't even think I understand it - but, the last few weeks, I've certainly tried to youtube some knowledge on it.

A search on 'House of Commons' brings up what I consider to be total and utter nonsense that transported me back to my school days. It's like a classroom before the schoolmaster comes in. Complete chaos filled with noise and misbehaviour.

Then I found 'Black rod', so I thought, oh, this ceremony will be filled with decorum, after all, he's entering the house with the Queens orders... 

Nope. Loads of chit chat filled with self importance, followed by some geezer who makes some snide comment, and has done year after year at the same point of the ceremony. And out of the video's I've seen, there are people of substance taking on the role - chest filled with military medals, being heckled by overgrown school boys.

As for business, the policies of this government, and governments past have done little to help the small business person I believe - quite the opposite. There is a clear lack of understanding on the value of SME's on the economy, and it's direct impact on social structure.

I do not vote for several reasons, but, I would vote for a party that would address issues such as Rates for business premises, nonsensical plans such as the BiD and development of town centres to reignite trade in these areas as oppose to out of town shopping areas. 

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

Oh, as well as openly tackling other issues of course, all with a heavy, but fair hand.

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

And in the age of austerity and cut backs all of the political parties have now found money for jobs and new investment for us northern folk. Cameron and Osbourne went walkabout with the natives in Leeds and Goole. Miliband joined in the party by offering "all" men 4 weeks paternity leave. He is probably assuming those up north don't work anyway so it won't cost owt.... Buying votes me thinks.

Up until yesterday I had little or no faith in any political party but to my shear horror, a close personal friend has just announced he is standing in the next election as a Green. Assuming he gets voted in to power and assuming I don't get shunned as a result of his power trip I could be influencing government policy by June 2015....

Ray Priestley

Good luck to your friend.  I'd happily vote Green if the Greens stood in my constituency ... but as I said, it's a safe Tory seat and it doesn't matter how the minority vote.


  I'd happily vote Green if the Greens stood in my constituency

I am so looking forward to seeing if they get booted out in Brighton or not . I personally think they have ruined Brighton and they have turned more then a few roads into car parks 

Andy-C | Pewter World

I am so looking forward to seeing if they get booted out in Brighton...

Every time I think of Brighton now I think of bin strikes!

Didn't realise it was a Green seat!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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