Nope. Simple answer.
Longer rant:
We are a Christian country. That is our foundation of faith within the UK, even if we hold other beliefs, or no belief at all, it is Christianity that has had to bare the brunt of acceptance of minority faiths, so much so, that the traditional Christian Churches of old have collapsed throughout the country (Check your local chapels and churches, most have gone).
It is right and proper that all beliefs should be respected, even defended, and I gladly have done both, and will continue to do so in the interest of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, and the Freedom to follow whichever Faith you choose. 3 of our Human rights.
The Christian leadership in the UK has been weak, and the result is beyond the pale. It has seen Church membership dwindle, with people favouring other distractions, and, in my opinion, that lack of faith for many, with the switch from God to Jeremy Kyle is at best symbolic of the ever diminishing clear thinking of society, and at worst, a huge contributory factor to the non stop collapse of the UK which will one day result in society imploding.
If the people won't listen to you about God - If society regularly commits sin against the law of Moses (Ten commandments stuff), They won't listen to you about the sacrifice made on the cross for the absolution of sin (The atonement), the Resurrection, The promises of life eternal, and how to incorporate living a Christian lifestyle, filled with the Joy of faith, WHY would anyone listen to you about paying taxes.
I don't lecture the local butcher on how to cut meat. No. My expertise is elsewhere.
Likewise, unless the Honourable Gentleman assigned from God is passing a direct message of revelation from his boss about paying taxes, then he should remain firmly seated in Scripture - and I fully take on board that taxes are mentioned in the Bible - and indeed JC's buddy Matthew (The apostle and evangelist) was a Tax Collector, when he was called. But I do feel he should perhaps aim his focus on other more pressing matters instead of making any comment about business. The problems in the UK are not from Business people failing to pay tax.
This said, it is only a clip from an interview, and its important to holistically view everything an individual says. For all I know without researching it, the Archbishop could have been speaking for several hours on several topics, and the press decided to go to screen with 3 mins of conversation. There is often little balance or fairness in media.
Anyways, Disclaimer:
Please don't be offended with my rugged Christian talk above, it is not my intention to cause offence or hurt, my opinions are my own as a Christian, and these do not reflect in any way, shape or form on the opinions or practices of the company. If you want to complain please do so below, all complaint will be replied to in a public forum etc etc etc