So does it? Arguably it does depend on your target market. There is a time and place for ‘txt speak’ and if you are trying to reach teenagers this might be the right choice for you. Otherwise you may find that your target market dislikes bad spelling and grammar. The BBC reported an analysis of website figures that showed a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half. In today’s highly competitive world it is easy for a customer to find another company if they don’t like the look of a website. We are blessed with choice so don’t give anyone a reason to choose a competitor.
In business, trust is vital and you need credibility. We are constantly reminded by ‘Rip Off Britain’ style programmes that rogue tradesmen and scams are rife, especially online. Misspelt words or inconsistencies on your website may make people question your company.
Everyone is proud of their business so make sure it is seen in the best possible light. The perception could be that if you don’t care enough to correct mistakes then maybe you don’t care about your customers.
Obviously I am biased and would encourage you to employ a proofreader, but at least get a colleague to check what you’ve written to ensure a fresh pair of eyes sees and eradicates any typos or mistakes.