First steps for promotional items agency

By : Forum Member
Published 19th June 2015 |
Read latest comment - 26th June 2015


We are starting our promotional items agency business. I know that our quality and prices are very good. First of I want to offer our products to our friends, post on ebay, alibaba, etc. But what's next? Would you feel bad if someone cold call to you with really good offer for you? I'm thinking about that, but I want to builid health buisness without annoying anyone.

Check us!

Cold calls - Not a fan of it here... may have whinged about it once or twice on this forum...

The issue is, my phone line, which we pay for, including our 0800 number, is really cool. We offer a 24/7 service - and if no one is in the office, the duty mobile rings... costing us more.

When someone wants to sell us something, and we're paying for their pitch... it's not going to end well.

My advice is freebies if your business can afford it, create a hard mail list, and get stuff out. 

If this is just out of budget for you (due to postal costs), which is well understandable (We couldn't / wouldn't do it) then a great option is to pound the streets, again with freebies - like pens. It's a good foot in the door. Go in with a pitch like:

"Can I speak to the owner please?"
Gatekeeper: "No"
"That's a shame, we've got a free gift for him from our business"
Gatekeeper: "I'll get him / her now" or more likely "I'm the owner".

Then you can do your pitch.

It just so happens, I'm in the market and ready to make a purchase of promotional items right now. Do you have a website? SEO and all that stuff? (Look it up on this forum if you haven't looked into it in much detail yet).

I can well advise signing up to this forum, then you will be able to share your website, and pitch your business, and if the price is good.... and quality is there, I'm more than likely to be a customer as soon as I click online. ;-)

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

Sorry but cold calling gets no response from me, I hate them I really do and always so no ,no matter how good the offer .As the saying goes once bitten twice shy , it happened when we first got here

Andy-C | Pewter World


Found your website, and love it...

Looking at placing a small order - proof this forum works.

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

I am with the anti cold calling gang I am afraid. You need to have some sort of relationship first (a business one I mean!) I would think about who your ideal client is and then pin down where they are, which social media they use, or where they are based and target your marketing like that. Not that I am any kind of expert! Just calling people could waste a lot of time.

Thank you for great comments! 

Check us!

Get banner flags, and more little giveaway items and we're in business. Site is good. Nice work in progress ;-)
Oooh, and promote on this forum.... 
Your prices are good. ;-)

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

And on the note of cold calling, make sure you use a clean list, having checked they are not on the TPS list. I just hate it when so called professional companies ignore or flout the rules.”
Ever tried filing a complaint with TPS? Like wading through treacle, till you get bored and give up. 
aditems, don't go down the survey route either, it's still a cold call and we still get the hump

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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