Hi All
Am fully retiring very shortly (yippee!) and so want to find someone to replace me as Careers Advisor on another company's web site. I'm wondering whether any MLS members could do - and would want - this "job"?
From memory there's at least one other careers company within our group.
The "job" entails writing fairly short answers (eg 3 paragraphs) to a fairly wide range of adult enquirers' career and job questions. Most questions can be answered without doing any research by anyone with good knowledge of issues to do with careers development, vocational education, recruitment and resolving employment problems. It's not a time-consuming role; in an average month there may be no more than two or three enquiries. When offering advice it's very important to be supportive and constructive - many enquirers feel they won't be able to find a decent job as they can only work part-time and locally.
The main attractions of this "job" for me have been the web link to my own site from a site visited by one of my target audiences and their advisors and the PR opportunity involved in being a guru for that target audience. I doubt whether the "job" has directly gained me any clients. I've enjoyed my contact with the efficient and realistic individual sending me the enquiries.
If you're interested in this "job" - or can think of somebody who would be - could you send me an email for more details? Most of the people I know in the careers world are at about the same age as me so they're not going to be interested in taking on any new professional responsibilities!
I'd like anyone interested in the "job" to tackle two fairly representative enquiries before I put their details forward. As I've already said, if you've the right background answering these enquiries doesn't take long.