Do you give blood?

By : Forum Moderator
Published 23rd July 2015 |
Read latest comment - 7th October 2015

This was a interesting way to increase donors! Offer discounts at a festival to those who donated some blood. I haven't for some years as I kept getting low BP and it made me feel ill. I should get back into it really, it's so important. I don't think breastfeeding should affect it, just makes it tricky to get to a place as I have my daughter with me everyday. Do you give blood?


Certainly do.  . Like the article, I'm sure there are other countries that offer more than just biscuits & crisps, though I do enjoy them!

I'm ashamed to say I never have 

Great idea to reach a younger audience though, offering a festival ticket in return for blood!

Hmm, made me feel guilty now, shall have to look at visiting our local centre.

Any other blood donors out there?

If you need to find your local centre:

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I used to regularly, back in the day. My old Dad always told me to drink a pint of Guinness afterwards, to build my blood back up. 

These days, with my full-on speedy life, I feel I need to hang on to every drop.


Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

Sorry ,I never have either, I just don't like needles.. The weird bit is once it's in I love watching my blood come out.. I have given a lot of blood in the past and always feel feint after ,so would hate to see me after a pint  

Andy-C | Pewter World

Use to give it regularly in my 20s and 30s.....haven't for years though, I am however on the DVLC organ donor programme..... The way things have been going during the last couple of months, I think the surgeon is already on standby waiting for the inevitable...


I do and have done for a couple of years now, I think I'm up to about 16 donations.

Doesn't cost me anything except for my time and if you're going to the pub afterwards then it's a bit cheaper to get to the same level of merriment 

Indigo Clean - Luke

forum avatarGuest
14th September 2015 7:30 PM

I have done before but I don't do it all the time.

Been watching body donors on channel 5, never knew it existed beforehand fascinating stuff... Will be signing up Mrs B in the morning...


Been watching body donors on channel 5, never knew it existed beforehand fascinating stuff... Will be signing up Mrs B in the morning...

 - really hope she doesn't read this post 

You may end up sleeping on the cat bed !


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