content scrapers - <directory name removed>

By : Administrator
Published 25th October 2012 |
Read latest comment - 6th November 2012

So with all the Google updates and it's crusade to clean up it's search index, why is it good old fashioned content scrapers can still rank so well?

Scraper sites stealing content is nothing new, but this one came to light and really takes the mickey.

<URL Removed>

The listing that caught our attention was one for Headley Court, the UK Military Hospital that specialises in missing limbs.

They have a courtesy full listing on My Local Services, and I've left a review on there:
Headley Court Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre - Hospitals Epsom Surrey

Imagine my surprise to see this content scraped, including my review, dumped on the scraper site, and then overlaid with a

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
You'd be amazed at everything they can scrape now days. all with the help of software. Have you been able to get them to remove the listing yet?


You'd be amazed at everything they can scrape now days. all with the help of software. Have you been able to get them to remove the listing yet?

Radio silent, so from previous experience a forum post seems to achieve quicker results.

Perish the thought that <URL Removed> and SCAM appear in the same sentence

Scraping public address information I can understand (though not condone), although I thought Google was supposed to be hammering these content scrapers!

But scraping reviews, passing them off as your own, and getting rewarded with rich snippets displaying in the search results just takes the mickey. Even more so when the review is from the MD of a competitor review site!

At least <URL Removed> Scam is top P1 Google.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Seems that the review has disappeared now

Listing is still live though with a scandalous 090 number - how do these people sleep at night?

Shame on you! thumbsdown


I'm not at all impressed and do agree that Google should do something about this. If these sites are so easy to spot then why aren't they on the Google radar?????


I'm not at all impressed and do agree that Google should do something about this. If these sites are so easy to spot then why aren't they on the Google radar?????

I continue to be optimistic that the 'system' will improve. The Google Authorship will (I believe) have a dramatic effect on quality - but this has been taking a long time to emerge from the Google Labs.


Well after the directory in question wouldn't talk to us, this thread went live on the 25/10/12 and low and behold we get an apology from the director on the 05/11/12, accepting full responsibility and asking us to take the forum thread down.

I've now removed all references to the URL in question and will close this thread.

MLF strikes again

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Don't mess with the best I'm glad its sorted though. Could you find evidence of other listings they might have scraped from MLS?


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