Hi Steve, great post!
Here is a couple of books that have had a lot of influence on me:
The Lean Start-Up by Eric Ries. This is a phenomenal book which tries to remove much of the guesswork surrounding launching a company as possible and trying to implement a scientific approach to start-ups, which sounds crazy but it actually makes a lot of sense.
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim. This is a great book about business strategy and explores the best approach to launching and operating a business. The main concept of the book is about markets, and how you should attempt to create new markets with no / minimal competition where possible, or how to gain an edge in a competitive market.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book changed my whole outlook on life and business perspective. This book will change your mindset and get you ready to prosper. Just read it.
Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance. As the title suggests, this book is about Elon Musk. A fantastic book that gives many insights about one of the greatest minds in industry right now, and his killer work ethic. An inspiration for us all, but also packed full of lessons.
If you recognise the necessity of reading then I recommend checking out http://www.chasing-status.co.uk/ and subscribing to our newsletter now for updates and a discount upon launch!