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Prepared Professional Wills and Trusts and Prepaid Funeral Plans - that’s what keeps us busy. We help people prepare and save both now and for their family. 70% of people do not have their Wills in place - we enable an individual or Corporate Social Responsibly enhance the value for their staff. Peace of Mind gives you a Mind of Peace Recent Posts Why get a Will or Prepaid Funeral Plan 10th October 2020 2:03 PM Why get a Will or Prepaid Funeral Plan 21st September 2020 2:27 PM A Will gives you peace of mind that your wishes will be respected. But it’s all too easy to put it off, and that can cause problems for your loved ones after you’re gone. Your will lets you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death. If you make a will you can also make sure your loved ones don't pay more Inheritance Tax than you need to. A will is a written document that speaks for you after you die. It can communicate how you want your property and assets to be distributed; name a guardian for your children if you pass away before they reach adulthood; and leave specific instructions like arrangements for your funeral. A will is a legal document that dictates the distribution of assets when you die. If you die without a will, state law governs. You definitely need a will if you are married, have kids, or have a lot of assets. You may not need a will if you are young, single, childless, and broke Wills - Trusts - Prepaid Funeral Plans 21st September 2020 1:59 PM Thanks Rebecca that is helpful I will do that Wills - Trusts - Prepaid Funeral Plans 16th September 2020 10:24 PM Not a subject a person can just start with in a conversation, however it is very important - please feel free to contact me or refer anyone you know who can benefit from our services.