Social media is becoming one of the main sources to generate traffic for online businesses. It depends upon the way you are handling your businesses' social media presence. Websites like Twitter, Facebook, G+, Stumblupon, LinkedIn etc. if used with a good planning and strategy then they can become a good source to generate traffic to your website.
Here are the things that you can do in social media for the promotion of your business:-
1) Keep a check on your following and connections on social media, means what type of people are getting connected with your profiles and services.
2) Start updating your social media profiles on regular basis. Websites like Twitter, Facebook should be updated after regular intervals of time.
3) In Twitter, you can use twitter cards for website promotion and also you can share any information which is related to advertisement and any contest.
4) Create a Facebook page and start promoting your website there. Do not always share same link and information on the page. Always share an information which is related to user interest but at the same time, you are promoting your services.
5) LinkedIn is a place where business professionals and entrepreneurs gathers at one place. You can connect with them and tell them about your services.