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JoinedMay 2015
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Is it worth it to do SEO Locally? 1st September 2022 10:20 AM
I have been doing the same with my wife's cake business.. I am only doing the basics and do more for advertising on facebook and anything else that is town related. There is not much worth advertising country wide as there is no point selling a cake 100s of miles away

My wife's facebook page is actually doing very well, so just saying she has a website will bring  good traffic ... I hope, as I'm still building it but pictures are the hardest thing to get hold of.”


I could easily write a full article in reply to this thread - but I'll keep it brief :

Consider what SEO means - search engine optimisation .... therefore if you don't optimise your website for search engines it doesn't matter how great a site it is - if it's not optimised it won't be found. So investing some time if not money is very important. There are many ways to optimise a site too - text and images, meta tags and descriptions, and a variety of markup languges.  (Social media can be an excellent complimentary digital marketing tool too, when 'used' effectively)   

It's really worth understanding the 'process' of SEO - what contributes to making a website 'optimised' for search engines to find  - rank it - for the appropriate search terms (and location/s, if relevant).

It's worth mentioning that many small businesses can rank quickly for their business name, however this leads many small startups to misperceive that there is no need to invest in SEO - BUT unless someone knows your business name, how are they going to find you? If your business name contains keywords related to your business product/services, you could be onto a good headstart however ... 

Most business owners have an idea of how they see potential clients finding their website online, but the simple fact is that you need to understand what search terms are actually being searched for that are relevant to your business and include these words and relevant content  / pages on your website. 

I have a variety of articles and resource links, as  well as the capability for any business  to run a free local SEO report of their website via my own business website.

Do please swing by and take a look, and I'd be happy to chat more to anyone who would like more information or assistance in helping develop their business online.  

Steve Drury I Director


Digital Marketing I SEO I Print Design I Publishing