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JoinedMay 2015
Latest activity 30th May 2015 8:50pm  

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We haven't read the whole thread but just from an observation prospective any password or decipher can or will eventually be broken. Not to run you scared, you have to consider why would anyone want to break your password or pin? It is however common sense to create good strong passwords, but of course some of us can be lazy nor have the ability to remember the amount of pins and passwords we need to remember these days (some can, some can't - that's one thing what makes us human)

If you have a strong password and pin, a good firewall (or even better a double firewall) then the majority of hackers will not bother or find out. We call them lazy hackers. Ones that look for loop holes but wont actually spend more than 30-mins to an hour trying to break in. Medium hackers and serious hackers are a little trickier to deter because they are for one more determined usually and have better skill levels (yes you have white hats, black hats etc - we aren't necessarily referring to those) regardless how strong your password is. You also have to consider phishing and keystroking which in any case would't make any difference how great your pin or password is. 

To avoid an essay on this, a really good hacker will break into any system or password. 

If you really wanted to, anyone could go onto an open home network and hack into their computer with relative ease. It does not make sense to us that you would not put a password on your home router - we would strongly advise you putting a decent password on your network. 

We will no doubt run a good few articles on this in our Facebook page shortly as we have a huge amount of experience in this area and will look to put together an E-book for people the future. 



Well, we are mac lovers but do appreciate what Windows are trying. Windows 10 will be out soon and as already discussed above, those that do not like the layout of Windows 8 can opt for Stardocks. 

You might find this useful. 

Yosemite Vs Windows 10


Thank you for this. Lending a hand to others and offering our advice and support for free. 

There seems to be an ongoing debate on Windows 7 Vs Windows 8. Our take is that each will suit individual tastes. Windows 8 is a complete change in outlook from Windows 7 and many individuals do not like the layout of the desktop. A lot of people we spoke to are prepared to wait until Windows 10 is released rather than hopping onto Windows 8.  

Our thoughts are that we prefer Windows 7 and find navigating around Windows 8 a pain at times and not as fluid in our opinion as Windows 7.  


Just so you know this is not spam and we are human. Please see bold sentence below. 

Whiz-IT provide computer and internet support to individuals and businesses throughout South Wales. We have a wide range of bespoke courses that are delivered to your home or work place and tutor-led. If it's not learning your after and just need support to get your internet up and running, then consider it done. We offer an emergency call-out service and always get back to you within the hour. We are the only IT company that works with both adults and children. Staff are very experience and DBS checked.  

We have put some interesting real-life stories and useful links on our website at (removed by admin). Just head over to the "reasons why" page. 

We will soon be posting some useful advice on our Facebook and Twitter pages so please add us if you feel this would be useful for you. We have some excellent advice and great information ready to go out next week. 

(links removed by admin)


Do you need some support now or want some advice? Please reply to this post and we will do our best to assist you. 

Thank you,
