dwainfoote - Profile


Forum titleForum Regular
JoinedOct 2018
Latest activity 22nd Oct 2018 4:02am  

dwainfoote Bio
Hard-working entry-level software engineer. Have completed 8 freelance projects, including a working ecommerce site that sells hats and t-shirts. One of my CAD applications was written up favorably in the OnShape blog. Active member, ACM. 3rd place, SpOJ CodeWar.

Recent Posts
nov 2 at 4-30pm I’m to be at Brighton  registry office to marry my childhood sweetheart after 22yrs together I can finally afford a wedding  with my bike licence coming through too I can be married yet hit the open road for much needed mindset resets lol. Some people don’t find their feet for years and not all have it by the age of 21. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been I have a beautiful family ny wife’s gorgeous and my startup seems to have grabbed attention life’s good at 40 ”

Congratulations! Good for you mate. Cheers!