I find it absolutely incredible that Kodac had and passed up the opportunity to get into the digitial photography market early. They didnt want to develop digital photography because they thought it threatened the film side of their business. What a massive mistake that was!! Its all about staying relevant in an ever changing world and not trying to grab onto what made you successful yesterday!
I agree. The industry has changed now and people simply do not go to the high street to buy things that they can buy easier and cheaper online. In addition to HMV not being able to survive I would also cast a serious amount of doubt about the long term sustainability of another of the major UK high street players - W H Smith. There is only a certain amount of time they can survive on selling stationary etc. All of their major products ie books, music, DVDs etc are all going online. I think the British highstreet in 5 years time will be a very different place.
We run an internet business and there were many different schools of thought presented to us when it came to naming our business business and company url. Many people suggested that an internet business should have a short snappy name that people liked and could easily remember with 'Google' and 'Yahoo being two main examples.
There are many internet businesses that have business names like Shazam etc but I didnt really agree as I wanted people to instantly know what we did through our company name. We are a comparison website for business software and so decided to call our business Compare Software For Business Ltd with a url supporting of comparesoftwareforbusiness.co.uk.
I much prefer the say what you do approach but everybody is different. I guess it just comes down to personal preference.
Hi Steve, I voted for being optimistic over the next year. We are a fairly new business having only been in operation 6 months. Hopefully despite the challenging trading conditions we can continue to grow throughout the next 12 months.