Top 10 SEO Tips

By : Forum Member
Published 28th March 2011 |
Read latest comment - 29th June 2012

These are my top 10 SEO tips. I was trying to keep it to 10 so if you have any more SEO tips or want some SEO advice please use either the SEO education base or the SEO question forum. I will do my best to keep updating the list as new things happen and change within the SEO world but until then here is the latest top 10 SEO tips:

1) Keyword Research

This is one of the most important aspects you could and should look at if you
are just starting to promote your website online. This process is best done
before your website goes live but don’t worry if you haven’t done any as yet.
We need to find out what people search for when they are looking for products or services which you sell on your website if you build a website and have keywords which simply no one will search for you will soon see your website drop and you simply won’t make sales which could see your business fall on its knees before it has even got off the ground.

The web is full of useful tools you can look at using if you are trying to find
out the best keywords for your website campaign. This process should be
something you spend allot of time on and focus all of your attention to as it
will be the main thing which will hopefully bring you some sales.

The below are some of the very best tools you could use to help you find the
best keywords to promote your website with.

Google Adwords

Keyword Finder Tool

The main reason why this has to be the most important of my top 10 SEO tips is because without this your website could and most probably would fail at its knees. So this has to be the most important thing you do to your website to begin with.

Keep a list of all the keywords you have come up with as you can use this later on to find out which ones would be ideal for you to target. Keep reading the SEO tips to find out how you can go about doing this.

There are allot of ways you can use your keywords on your website to help
promote it with SEO but these are too long to include into my top 10 SEO list so if you want to know more simply post in the SEO Information Section and I’ll be sure to answer any questions you might have.

2) Competition Research

We are not talking about following everything they are doing as in fact that
will only help to a certain degree we simply mean look at what they are doing
that you aren’t and then do it better. We will discuss later in my top 10 SEO
tips how important it is knowing about the amount of links your competitors have so finding out all of this information un front will give you that extra
information to try and get your website top for your chosen keywords.
To be able to carry this tip you will need to first know how you can find your
completion this can be done easily by using tip 1 of my top 10 SEO tips you can now go to Google and type them into the search box see which websites come back top and then note them down.

These will effectively be the websites you now want to follow and work on to make your website better. The below are things you should try and find out about your completion as this will help you promote your website better.

You will see why some of the below are some important later on in my top 10 SEO tip guide.

1) Positioning in Search Engines for Keywords
2) Amount of Incoming Links
3) Keywords
4) The amount of Keyword Links
5) The Page rank of other linking Pages

Along with this you can use a range of SEO tools and software to help you find out this information but it will not be as effective and can cost you money so I have not bothered to add these in but please feel free to contact me if you want to know more about them.

3) Links

This is probably one of the top 10 SEO tips which will in fact stick with you
throughout your SEO campaign you will have to mainly focus on this and the
content to be able to have a good chance of ranking high. People have spoken about links been drained up but this simply won’t happen within the near future so you should still focus on this process allot.

The main process can be done quite well and if done well can have a big impact on your website as discussed earlier in my top 10 SEO tips post you will need to use keywords on your link technique which will help you get the best ranking.

There are loads of link types about but the main one which Google will focus on is back links this is a link which is incoming from different websites. But
before you run off to make as many back links as you can you need to know that it’s not all about the amount of links you have as you will soon find out SEO is more about quality and not quantity.

You can get backlinks in range of ways but make sure they are not spammy and they incorporate step 1 of my top 10 SEO tips. You can get back links from participating in popular online business forums, online business directories and blog comments you can literally get backlinks from everywhere on the web.

I have a million and one ways you could build links without been spammy but
allot of the time it will be down to the industry you want to promote within so please feel free to comment on the SEO information page and I will be happy to advise you on some ways in which you can build links.

4) Optimise Your Pages

Before we start tip 4 of my top 10 SEO tips if you are not very confident with editing html pages or don’t know how please contact your web designer or someone on the business forum as if you do this wrong you could end up breaking your website which isn’t ideal. This step is really in depth so I have broken it down into short ideas.

You can research each section as you need or simply ask me or another user for information and they should be able to help.

• Page Titles
• Content
• H tags
• Alt tags
• Meta Tags & Keywords
• Optimise Images

I can go on for hours with all the ways and information on how you can do this but like I said I want to keep this top 10 SEO list clean so please do feel free to email me for advice or I will try and make a more in-depth list at a later date which should help you find more information about each section.

5) Images

This SEO tip isn’t set 100% proven but allot of people have seen some traffic
come to them through images and it isn’t going to take you hours to do this so I say it’s worth a shot. If you have allot of images or only a few try and save them using your keywords so if you sell cars try and save them like this “Ford Fiesta For Sale” you get the picture.

The SEO tip isn’t confirmed but some people have seen good results from it so its worth having ago but again you might need to contact your web designer as he will be the only one who can update your website using the FTP.

6) Social Networking

Social networking has become one of the biggest ways to promote your company so no matter what company you run you should be taking full advantage of what the web and social networking industry has to offer. We are talking about 1 hour on every site to give you a good profile with some good unique content.

The below are some of the very best social networking sites you could look at adding your business to.



Be sure to add some social buttons to your website as this will allow users to keep in touch by your profile and will again help you boost your online reputation.

Nearly there and the rest of my top 10 SEO tips are just as important as the previous 5 so don't spend any less time on them.

7) Content

Content has and always be king we are not talking about copying some one else's content we are talking about well written and unique content which is useful the user. The more content you have the better but don't keep it all in one place start by making some content and adding it to your blog which hopefully you will have now you will need to start making some links which we have previously talked about to do this you will need to write some useful and again unique articles which you can then link back to your website from.

Keep the content unique its hard work but it is well worth it and will see your company have a good improvement. You can look at adding your articles to websites like Squidoo, Blogger etc but please keep it unique and do not copy someone else's as it will damage your website.

You can use various sites to write your content on, this sort of idea will help you increase backlinks and also your content on your website. This should be the most important aspect of your website and shouldn’t be rushed. You should always ensure you take time with the content and make sure it is not copied.

8) Sitemaps

Think of this step like making a contents page for a book it will help and allow users to easily navigate through your website using one page. This method will also help Google on your website and can be used with Google’s Webmaster tools this is one of my later top 10 SEO tips but is probably one you should do before you start promoting your website.

The web has allot of tools you could look at using if you want to make a sitemap and also some tools you can use to submit them.

Making a Sitemap

Sitemap Builder

Make a Sitemap

Free Sitemap Builder

Submit a Sitemap



9) Local Optimisation

This is something which is becoming allot more popular, over the coming months allot of people will be optimising your pages for more local search terms, this could be a range of things but will usually be town and then the keyword like “Graphic Design Coventry”

Although not as much traffic as a big keyword like “Graphic Design” they can bring your website some good relative traffic and can be also allot easier to get to than the bigger keywords. Again the main ways to get to local results is using all of the above tips along with some of the new local methods which have come out.

Google Places is one of the new tools which allows you to add your business and set a target location it can be a great tool if done correctly. It is free to sign up but will take 2-3 weeks for your confirmation card to arrive through the post but is well worth it.

10) Navigation

This top 10 SEO tip should have probably come higher up the list but as said I haven’t written the list in order of importance, this is one of those things you will need to sit down and think about before you even build your website. Your navigation needs to be clean and easy to do it needs to allow users to navigate around your website easily without having to go onto too many pages.

You should always look at how you can make your website useable how easy is it for people to find there way around etc all of these things will help you make a website which works and which will be used by your customers.

That’s it all of my top 10 SEO tips in one simple list if you do want or need any help please do feel free to ask in the SEO section or check out the SEO education section on the main business forum for some more information about SEO and how you can get started with it.

Thanks for looking, Please feel free to share this list with anyone you wish but please ensure you do not take the content and brand it as your own. I will be looking back and anyone done so will have a nice email

Great post

How about website uptime and speed as an SEO tip. May not be obvious, but the search engines do seem to pay more importance in latency, page loads and availability.

Maybe one to monitor and factor in as your site grows in popularity, for the sake of a few quid, could you move to more reliable and faster hosting?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Obviously there are allot more things we could add and make a 101 list but I thought I would make the most of the top 10 SEO tips with things that need to be done once the website is up.

The speed etc should be something you look at tackling at the beginning of your build.

I agree the monitor factor is very important. I might start working on 101 SEO tips list and post it up when and if I have time


forum avatarIT Consultant London
28th March 2011 1:34 PM
Don't forget bounce rate!

forum avatarSteven
6th May 2011 8:45 AM
Some Best SEO Tips are: Meta Information is very useful for search engines to collect certain data of a page, Keywords are another aspect which needs proper technique, Proper use of Header tags, Links from Directory, Make sure to use meta tags and title tags.

Bounce rate plays a great role in SEO world i also want to know the know how to decrease the bounce rate.

Thats a little worrying coming from an SEO expert

Bounce rate is simply people exiting on the page they arrived on.

That either means they found what they were looking for, and left, or the site wasn't what they wanted or the look of the site scared them away!

If you are an info site (eg directory) and your traffic arrives mid site, then you could argue that a bounce on that page is someone who has found what they were after.

If you're bounces are all on your index/home page, then the chances are your content/look/style scared them away, or they were untargeted traffic.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarEosPlaces
18th May 2011 8:32 PM
You will also want to include your primary keyword phrase in the domain name. This is often an overlooked aspect of SEO.

forum avatarAftermath
20th May 2011 10:20 PM
Reputation management can also be a big part of SEO, as anyone who has every been hit with false complaints can attest to.

forum avatarAndrew
26th May 2011 12:04 PM
Hi All,To achieve high ranks we need an SEO work for it.
Its really the massive information about SEO and Here are some SEO tips form me , standings where you are
2.appropriate keywords your titles, content, URLs, and image names,someone looking for information on this topic search for it?
3.Link back to yourself
4.Create a sitemap
5.Make your URLs more search-engine-friendly by naming them with clear keywords
6.Avoid using flash
7.Image description
8.update content media use
10.Link building

Any reply will be highly appreciated.

Chandler Homes for Sale

I'm glad people are finding the top 10 seo tips useful.


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