Facebook Is Worlds Largest Photo Library With Over 140 Billion Photos

By : Growing Business
Published 21st September 2011 |
Read latest comment - 10th October 2011

In a revealing article on the 1000 Memories website you get a fantastic picture on just how big Facebook is when compared to other photographic sites such as Flickr and Instagram. Also revealing that

Blimey very visual and sobering!

The digital camera has to be one of the best inventions in recent history. I'm sure I've got some form of autism as I have to keep all of our family pics in nice date ordered folders with little descriptions But we now have literally tens of thousands of pics, now times that by the rest of the population!

Plus Facebook is such a good way to show off a few pics to people who know you, with out boring them with your 1500 holiday snaps

Will certainly make family genealogy a lot easier in years to come!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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The diagram below shows a square representing Facebook


I have been guilty of uploading albums and albums of photo's on facebook during my uni days! They are good to look back on - nice little memories :-).

Nice pic though, I love infographics!


If it had said 14 million, I wouldn't have been surprised - but Billion is just staggering.


Yes Facebook is scary big!


forum avatarTheWoodshopinwv
23rd September 2011 2:40 AM
Gosh.. that's really something. Facebook is phenomenal. I lost some pics a while back from my camera.. then I remembered I had uploaded them to Facebook.. so I was able to go back into my album and download them again..shew! Wonder if it will last if they keep updating and improving? A lot of people are complaining about the most recent update.

Who'd like to have a stab at guessing the amount of hard drive space 140 billion images would take up?


forum avatarSerzh
9th October 2011 4:19 PM
It is realy big!

but 14 billion , i doubt that ,it is exaggerated!

I bet it's not, and since this was first posted, it's probably grown by another 100 million!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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