Weybridge hypnotherapy clinic

I'm Edward. F. Omran, a fully qualified hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist practicing in and around Weybridge in Surrey.
Problems Helped:
As a professional Hypnotherapist & Thrive Consultant, I can help you resolve a wide range of problems & concerns that might be affecting your ability to live a full & enjoyable life.
Perhaps you want to stop smoking without the difficulties of “withdrawl symptoms” or the irritability - or perhaps you want to take better control of your weight or eating habits with the amazing Gastric Band Hypnotherapy system -you may want to overcome your social phobia so that you can deliver that speech or presentation - whatever it is that may be holding you back I am sure that I can help.
As a member of the International Association of Evidence Based Psychotherapy (IAEBP), a society that was established more than 20 years ago that is dedicated to the professional and ethical use of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Techniques for the treatment of Psychological problems and worries.
we use a range of forms of therapeutic tools & techniques that can be used to treat a very wide variety of symptoms, conditions, and emotional issues. Each particular technique approaches your problem in a different way, but all have the same end purpose in mind - to help YOU to be able to get on with your life more effectively.
The following list of symptoms represent a good “snap-shot” of the typical problems that we are consulted for, and have responded very well to the techniques we have available:
acrophobia, addictions, ADHD, PTSD, agorophobia, aichmophobia, alcohol abuse, allergies, amnesia, asthma, anger management, anorexia, bulimia, anxieties and stress related symptoms, arachnophobia, aviatopophobia, bed-wetting, being shy, bloating, blushing, bruxismcemophobia, childhood trauma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, claustrophobia, colitis, common phobias, compulsions, compulsive behaviours, compulsive symptoms, constant counting, constant worry, depression, drug abuse, eating disorders, emetephobia, emotional crying, exam nerves, excessive tidiness, fear of being criticised, fear of being judged, fear of being put on the spot, fear of being sick, fear of choking, fear of crowds, fear of darkness, fear of Death or Dying, fear of Defecating, fear of Dentists, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of flying, fear of gagging, fear of heights, fear of intimacy, fear of needles, fear of open spaces, fear of public speaking, fear of swallowing, fear of urinating in front of others, fear of water, frequently blushing, frigidity, gambling, IBS, jealousy, job interviews, lack of confidence, lack of willpower, low self confidence, low self esteem,OCD,nail biting, pain management, panic attacks, paranoia, poor self and body image, premature ejaculation, public speaking, rejected, relationship issues,repressed memories, ritual sex issues, sexual and physical assault issues, sexual issues, skin disorders....And many many more.
I offer three main forms of help at my Clinic:
Clinical Hypnosis
The Thrive Programme
Cognitive Processing & Integration Therapy
For full details on all therapies please visit my website: www.weybridgehypnosis.co.uk
Free screening:
I am happy to give up my time for a free initial consultation, lasting up to 45 mins.

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