Nathan - Profile

Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedJun 2012
Latest activity 2nd Jul 2012 6:13pm  

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is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:57 PM
Let me know if I can help in any other way.

If you want to, you can email me direct at

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:40 PM
If you want to put it up behind your normal site then just send me a link thats fine.

It's how I do my web design; rough out something and put it on the back of my site and send the customer a link. It saves paying for hosting until the design is complete.
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:20 PM
If you would like me to take a look at the site as you go, I'd be more than happy to give you some feedback.

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 2:45 PM
If I can help in any way let me know, if you are having brain melting issues I find mind mapping works brilliantly to calm things down and organise my thoughts. If you want a hand with it, just let me know.

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 2:12 PM
You can do what you want in many ways.

If I was doing this for myself I would do it in a different way:

I'd have one umbrella website and then set the others to redirect to a spcific page on one main site. It reduces the amount of work in running them and creates a more wholesome company image. It would be very simple to do it by using sub domains.

I can't put url's on yet as I only joined the forum today, however, if you go to www dot sandau dot biz you will see my website and see what I mean.

I'd have a main homepage and then links from that to the individual ventures you have. It would also be much cheaper to run them all too, in theory.

As for hosting, you can if you wish but I always use a hosting company which relieves me of loads of work on that side of things. If you use a good one they are cheap enough and miles easier than hosting yourself.

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 1:43 PM

Yes it can easily be altered by the owner if I do one for a new franchise or by yourself. No programming is required!

Doing anything on a website that involves a database is a world of pain cost wise, however, it is possible to update a page with locations available much more easily!

You can alter the website at any time and as often as you like, and the change is instant. You can advertise on it and everything else. You can have as many email addresses as you like too.

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 11:28 AM
If you want any other information or want to discuss any aspect, please feel free to get in touch!

I do web design too so if you want any help on that front or want to consider the idea of me doing a website for new franchisers, I can do a copy and paste website with a different name for around
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 11:02 AM
I'd be tempted into franchising this if I were you. I think it'd be very easy to do so too!

People are interested in different things so it depends more on what the buyer wants rather than what you try to 'sell' them. Put it this way, I work to live, not live to work. In your terms your franchisers would be interested more in time to themselves and some money rather than making a fortune. That means you could market it to the likes of those with half a braincell and an interest in helping others. So the problem to solve first is what do you want to sell it for?

What equipment is required in terms of cost?
What is the current turnover?
What is the profitability of the business?
Do you need franchisers to have a limited company or can they run it as a sole trader?
What training/legal issues are there for a new start up?

Have you looked on eBay? Do a search in eBay for 'business franchise' and you will see what I am thinking about...

is this possible? 22nd June 2012 10:27 AM
You seem to have a very good business premise!

Could you not sell the business name with some training etc and sell it as a franchise?

This would increase it's value as you have added value to the names and websites etc...

Believe it or not, it might be worth trying an auction of the business, whether you try ebay or some of the other more specialised business websites, it really depends on what you want to do.

If you sold it as a franchise you would retain some of your hard earned name, and receive some income from it. Best of both worlds in my mind. Franchises are worth more than just names too! (Usually).
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 10:10 AM
What is the name of the company you are selling, or hoping to?

Any idea what you want for it?
