NextBigLeap - Profile


Forum titleBusiness Start Up
JoinedNov 2012
Latest activity 20th Nov 2012 2:03pm  

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Groupon model - is it flawed? 20th November 2012 12:42 PM
A pattern i am noticing is that a lot of companies are not honouring what is promised, especially restaurants, e.g. meal for 3 when at the restaurant results in a special groupon customers menu with a much reduced selection. I suspect tactics like this are a way of businesses protecting themselves as a result of them losing out so much.
Single most important piece of advice 20th November 2012 11:14 AM
My biggest lesson was when i first started out (2003) and taking on projects without any formal process or documentation. No formal spec, or contracts, this left me far too exposed and I would inevitably end up working on projects twice as long as i should have. Therefore i would lose out on every project. When realisation hit, I started to turn work away as I felt it would drag me back to the way it was in the early days and only took on projects that took my service seriously and no longer saw me as cheap labour.
Single most important piece of advice 20th November 2012 11:08 AM
I just seem to have a natural ability to do everything the hard way

Its experiences like this that make us who we are, so i wouldnt say it was wasted. I have learned a few things the hard way and this has made me more rounded and sensible when it comes to business.
Single most important piece of advice 20th November 2012 10:52 AM
Cracking question!
I burned through far too much money in the early days, mainly due to total inexperience, not fully understanding my market and poor planning.

What areas did you waste money on?
Single most important piece of advice 19th November 2012 9:43 PM
What one piece of advice would you wish you were told when you first started out in your business? Me... I wish i knew how many hats i am expected to where. e.g. HR, worker, tea maker, plant waterer...
ExpressionEngine 19th November 2012 1:17 PM
Hey.. i specialise in EE design and development. I have only just joined the forum so not had enough posts to have a sig. Not sure if its allowed but my site is (Also a member of the EE pro network)

If i can help, lemme know.
If you are, like many, a business that slows down during the xmas period, what do you do to handle it? close earlier? get those little jobs done that have been hanging around all year? learn something new?