Professional Courier - Profile

Professional Courier

Forum titleBusiness Owner
JoinedSep 2016
Latest activity 13th Jan 2017 3:28pm  

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Trump is a real threat to world peace, if he doesn't get his own way he spits his dummy out like a child, as was witnessed when he wanted his golf course in Aberdeen! People would not move so he built a wall so they could not view the ocean from their homes. What a Jerk to have as president, as he has no panache like Obama has and god help us all when he is in full power!!! The American  people should be very wary to say the least.

With the issue of Hermes drivers delivering parcels and not being paid enough and their policies regarding self employment, I wonder if Hermes has even bothered to check each drivers insurance to cover such parcels in transit? Cover can be anything from £700 upwards. How could a single mum wanting to earn some extra cash afford such sums to start off and then be paid such a low wage by Hermes? 


I know our local Hermes courier delivers parcels for them and also at the same time parcels for Next, QVC and others to make a decent part time wage up as our area is only approx. 8000 households and he has to travel many miles with just one small parcel. He also delivers with a smile and courteous unlike a lot of other Hermes drivers you get delivering to your door and throwing your goods in the doorway.