
Have a look here Checkatrade

Quick - check for 29th April 2014 12:48 PM

I'll surprise you 1 of these days

How Things Have Changed 29th April 2014 12:43 PM

Unfortunately the kids these days have far too many rights, lack of guidelines about what is right and wrong in most instances.

When faced with somebody that does remember the good old days and tries to instill a little discipline, they don't know any other way to react than by using violence.

I imagine that this teacher was 'old school' 

Bring back the cane I say!

Quick - check for 28th April 2014 10:56 PM

Its about time you made me one Victor!


Quick - check for 28th April 2014 6:24 PM


Quick - check for 28th April 2014 6:11 PM

What does a £50 note look like? 

Federation of Small Businesses 28th April 2014 5:49 PM
Or is it just that those who have had good experiences are less likely to comment?



I don't think so no. We recently joined Checkatrade, the vetting is thorough, they contact previous customers for references, check insurance, training etc and randomly check any new testimonials that go up!

It is purely about reputation.... Something which we are very proud of, that takes years to earn and seconds to lose!

I am happy to shout about being a member because I have been through the process and know that it is genuine. 

Something I wouldn't have been proud to shout about had I joined the FSB knowing that although the badge said I was an established business , back then, I knew I wasn't.

If a company claims to have the best interests of the public at heart surely that should start at home by not settling for second best tradesmen who in reality do not fulfill the criteria required for membership.

Any Joe Bloggs can do what our business does which is cleaning ..... Not everyone can do it to the standards that we do with the knowledge, training, specialist equipment and everything else that goes with providing a truly professional service!

I hate school holidays!

It plays havoc with our business .. who wants to have carpets cleaned when the kids are running in and out, or damp carpets for them to walk on?

School holidays should be banned! 

Federation of Small Businesses 26th April 2014 10:56 PM

We encountered the pressure selling of the FSB when we were a new start up business.

We were offered membership when we had only been trading for 6 months even though they advertise that a stipulation of membership is that you have been trading for a minimum of 2 years.

We declined membership purely based on the fact that were willing to 'relax' the rules for us to join.

I don't want to be a part of an organisation that will take anyone, I want to be checked, vetted and recommended on our true merits.

Yes it may have increased our workload, but if I am displaying a membership of a supposedly creditable association, then I expect all members to fulfill the requirements that the public expect.

It takes years to earn a good reputation and seconds to lose it.

Bad Payers 2nd October 2012 9:42 PM
We had a similar problem in the past when quoting over the phone. We now ask for confirmation of acceptance of price and job spec prior to confirming bookings.
Small claims court is an option we have used but is time consuming and costly.