Tyler E. Dean - Profile

Tyler E. Dean
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JoinedDec 2019
Latest activity 24th May 2020 8:46am  

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How to Recognise a Bad Boss 24th May 2020 8:46 AM

Thank you, fastvideolikes. My wife got a situation like that, so I decided to give her high five that way  However, it made me reconsider my attitude to my own partners and workers. It helped. Stay safe everyone.

Interesting Facts about Locks nd keys. 4th December 2019 8:31 AM

Oh, what the interesting facts here Concerning the second one, I didn`t know about that, although I am a business owner of Anytime Locksmiths. Have a good day. My greeting from Ashton-Under-Lyne.

Tyler Dean


How to Recognise a Bad Boss 1st December 2019 10:21 AM

Hello, everybody. I am Tyler from Ashton-Under-Lyne, a business owner of Anytime Locksmiths in Tameside. I would like to give some useful tips for employees how to recognize a bad boss. It is very important when you are searching for work and I hope, this info ill protect you from embarrassing situations in future.

The main features of a bad boss:

-A boss asks about the candidate's private life
Legislation prohibits discrimination against candidates on the basis of sex, religion, orientation and privacy plans.

-A boss doesn't listen to the candidate.
Experts also note that the supervisor should not only ask questions, but also be able to listen and analyze the answers.
If the future supervisor does not understand you during the interview, it will be difficult for you to communicate with him or her during a possible collaboration.
If the supervisor asks you the same question several times, he or she may simply not listen to you.

-A boss doesn't give the specific information
The candidate should also look at how the potential manager answers his or her questions.
A manager should not only listen, but also give accurate answers to the questions, for example, you can ask a question that relates to the opportunities for development and career building in the company.

Tyler E. Dean, Ashton-under-Lyne