acuvic - Profile

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JoinedMay 2013
Latest activity 17th May 2013 4:14pm  

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Word problem 17th May 2013 12:49 PM

Thought I'd mention that I had a friend with format problems with document files on her Word setup. This document opened ok on my PC. Turned out that she had a virus on her machine. Some virus can slip under antivirus programs and this one had.

Anyway the only way to remove the virus was booting up on an external Linux antivirus disk and scanning and removing the malware. Hope this is not your problem as it is a hassle but might be worth checking.

I can give more details on the Linux antivirus disk if you need it.

I use VPN to get at content (YouTube, etc.) usually in the US that blocks other countries (I'm UK based) accessing it. And buying download products that some companies charge more for UK purchasers. And if you are abroad, BBC iplayer will not give you access, so pull out your proxys and VPNs.

So nothing illegal here though some organisation (customs & excise?) might disagree?

The internet is suppose to shrink the world, but restrictive practices proliferate so the VPNs are a godsend to open up access that small minded organisations try to obstruct!
Problems with coding 16th May 2013 2:45 AM

Did you ever solve your problem? The url you gave for your website gives a DNS failure page so I guess you are not "live" yet. If you are still struggling PM me and I could try and assist.

~ Vic