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JoinedSep 2020
Latest activity 10th Sep 2020 4:25pm  

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Lot's of good advice on this thread already. I'd just like to add a list of the most basic steps you should take.

Firstly, make a business plan and decide what exactly you're offering, why people should buy it and who those people would be. Then it is easier to figure out the promotional side, as well as the finances. 

Secondly, look up the self-employment tax rules on the HRMC site. You need to register for self-assessment.

Thirdly, check what kind of insurance would be applicable to you. There are some good guides online about this, e.g. this guide on public liability insurance. It's easy to make mistakes when you're just finding your feet, so make sure you protect yourself.

Fourthly, read lots and lots of materials online!

Best of luck!

Good tips, thanks!

Need your help 10th September 2020 4:10 PM

If you mean just apps to help with Instagram content creation, and not buying followers, then Preview is a good app for planning your feed. I like VSCO or Colorstory for editing as well.  

Is hard work good for your mental health? 10th September 2020 4:08 PM

Agreed. Work smart not hard.