
Aside from liking other business facebook pages, and follow some business twitter accounts, you must also be communicative with them. Well, I've liked/followed some websites, and they followed/liked back.. But if we can communicate with them by commenting on their post that we found interesting, other websites will see us and hopefully befriend or get in touch with us. ;D
How to get clients for my service? 17th July 2012 12:08 PM
I am an online marketer. I offer a complete service package including PPC,SEM,Social marketing,Web design,SEO. I contacted many business but no one replies. I am not located in US and that's why there is a gap. I want your tips on how to contact any interested business.

I think we have the same problem. So, I'm gonna be watching this thread for newest, and helpful tips in promoting our website to a certain/target country/location.
Has anyone got any up to date results since this thread was started?

Im just working on our social media & have been considering Pinterest. We sell high end, stylish log burners & its probably fair to say that women have the deciding factor in most of the installations we have completed so far....perhaps it is something that could aid our sales?

Any tips / success stories ...or even failures would be welcome.


I would say that Pinterest helps me a lot in gaining online exposure for my website, just make sure you have attractive/ eye-catchy pictures though as people there basically check the pictures first then decide to click the link if the picture catches their interest.