robot parks cars in Birmingham

By : Growing Business
Published 29th September 2010 |
Read latest comment - 30th September 2010

I like the sound of this... secure parking, parked by robot

BBC News - Cars 'park themselves' in Birmingham Cube complex


Lets hope this is more successful then the valetauto parking they tried in the 60's.

When they redeveloped the bullring in circa 1960 they had a 500 space valet car park, the attendant would give you a ticket load your car onto a trolley and it would then get loaded into the lift and parked in an appropriate space, unfortunately the trolley and the lifts broke down frequently and if they did work there were cases of people waiting up to 4hrs to retrieve there cars.

They scrapped it after about 6 months and closed the car park down a few years lated they tore out all the mechanisms and turned it into a normal self service car park.


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