Lens Flair Photographic - Profile

Lens Flair Photographic

Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedSep 2010
Latest activity 6th Feb 2013 3:51pm  

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I want to work from Home 1st February 2011 12:07 PM
i dont think, working from home can be that hard!

For some people it can be very hard. You have to be very disciplined to ensure in working hours you actually work or find work. No sloping off for a coffee and neighbours.

You also need to keep work and home life apart. Do not let work intrude into the home life after business hours.

I've worked from home for 15 years and my "office" is separate to my home.

In fact it is a converted garage with a door that is locked after work.

You also need to speak to your accountant, as part of your electric, gas and water can be charged to the business.
I try not to
...maybe by then, we will get in our cars, find a lorry ("Road Train") to get behind, and

Hmm imagine "eco-terrorists" hacking into those systems, or the "lan" goes down
Facebook worth $50 billion 24th January 2011 3:21 PM
It's only a figure. I guess you could say their value is somewhere between that and $1.

It's really worth whatever a business offers that gets accepted. Rightly or wrongly
Digital Photos do degrade! Are yours ok? 21st January 2011 11:12 AM
Not the built in sync but SyncToy

Can't link to the MS download as not enough posts yet.
squidoo.com - who uses it? 20th January 2011 6:20 PM
I have a presence there but nothing has come from it to date.
Agree it's corruption on the filesystem, but what I've found is the corrupted image is then copied to another hard drive when it is synchronised, giving you a perfect copy of the corrupted file

The challenge seems to be to find an efficient solution that keeps a decent backup of your images, without copying corruption over, and saves having to manually copy onto CD every few months, which we never have time for, or forget...

Jeez just noted my spelling in your quote.

I am quite regimented and run backups after completing tasks.

My memory cards never get wiped until I have uploaded onto main drive and then run all my backups.

I use sync toy. It's free and stores several different backup routines to cater for my requirements.
The problem with both battery and hyrid cars is still the "carbon footprint" from making the vehicles.

In my opinion the Hydrogen fuel cell is the only viable alternative giving near to ice performance and distance. Stupidly high prices at the moment in the development vehicles but will drop rapidly

Cann't link to articles yet but just use Google.
Digital photos do not degrade on he hard drive per se. what you aretalkingabout is a prblem with the hard drive file system.

jpegs will degrade every time you publish it and it is copied .

With regard to optical media it is possible to get problems within 2-3 years on CD/DVD.

Blu Ray discs are constructed differently andare expected to have a much longer life.

Personally with the price of HDD theses days bak ups are the best option.

Although it is my main busisness I have backups on 4 separate hard drives of every photo I take.

the drivers are replaced every 2 years in rotation.
Video CV's 20th January 2011 2:02 PM
First impressions count, so if the recruiter doesn't like your face, voice, makeup, clothes. you may be out before you start.

In person at an interview you at least get to qualify yourself.

I think the written C.V. will stay.