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What do you think of traffic exchange sites?

Published 26th January 2011 |
Read latest comment - 26th February 2011

Was just wondering what anyone knew about traffic exchange sites? I don't know too much about them, the idea seems good but I have always stayed clear as they seem too easy so there must be a catch.

I don't see the point in auto surfing hits but if you can get your site in the manual surf list then surely it can increase traffic and expose your website?

Does submitting your site to these traffic exchange schemes harm its credibility or search engine rating?
Personally, I call it vanity traffic

If you want traffic for traffic sake, then fair enough. But most people want targeted traffic that stands a chance of converting.

I don't think it would do you any harm search engine wise, but professional credibility could be questioned?

I'm afraid it's no substitute for quality content and good old marketing.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I try not to

Lens Flair Photographic

There are no any advantage to get traffic through Non Relevant sources Because traffic is not good when it is give you the conversion. Fake traffic also increase the bounce rate of the website.


forum avatarAimee
26th February 2011 8:30 AM
Traffic exchnage sites are really not much Good...atleast for me.

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