YCO - Profile

Forum titleBusiness Start Up
JoinedOct 2012
Latest activity 30th Nov 2012 3:31pm  

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What is Meant By lead generation? 22nd November 2012 5:18 PM
Lead generation is just a marketing term, meaning generating consumer interest for a company's products/services. The aim is to get quality leads which will eventually turn into sales.
Qype is no more! Hello Yelp 21st November 2012 4:51 PM
Yelp will very much become the ultimate choice for local search in the European Markets. The plans are to 'integrate both products', I'm sure this means Qype will be rebranded as Yelp
You can market the telephone answering service the same way as any other service online. By doing search engine optimisation, or delving into paid search.
Interesting article on Small Biz Bee about how Working from home is to become the norm!
Loving the infographic melanie!

I have to say I probably am one of those people who are statistically average when it comes to how long I will wait. Unless the problem is urgent. Usually I find either my problem can't be fixed or I get passed around various different teams. I do like the live chat features lots of websites are now adopting, as it doesn't cost you to wait half an hour for someone to answer
How to Start a Business? 25th October 2012 3:53 PM
One of the most important things is to write a business plan. If anything else it gets you thinking in realistic terms about your goals, how you want to achieve them, your USP, and as KateB said.. this will make you thinking more 'business' like.