
Community Inspiration for 2014? 22nd March 2014 6:58 AM
Hey Steve,

I have done with my objectives for 2014 and going towards them day by day. I will let you know later when there would be something to show

Thank You,
Community Inspiration for 2014? 14th March 2014 6:34 AM
So is that your plan? (which was the point of the thread). You are going to start making your employees happy?

Just checking my progress so far:

Grow Twitter from 1280 followers to 3000 - currently 1676 on target
Grow FB page from 420 likes to 2000 - currently 1346 well on target
Grow G+ page from 84 followers to 500 - currently 127 must try harder
Increase Forum Interaction and grow membership. Work in progress!

Hey Steve,

You here too welcome. That is my thinking and i do not have employees for me. If any organisation have the inspiration i suggested then organisation will surly get success. If anyone like this ok, otherwise everyone have their own parameters.

Thank You
What is your addiction? 12th March 2014 12:14 PM
My addiction is to helping others and to motivate them so that they can handle the situation themselves.
Business Information 12th March 2014 12:10 PM
Why don't you search in google "cites under this post code area". I beilve you would get what you want or someone suggested local directories option that can work as well.
Community Inspiration for 2014? 12th March 2014 12:08 PM
I join late this forum so i want to give my views here:

You need to take your internal customers (employees) into confidence, need to make them happy, need to make them more excited and need to provide them facilities they want. If you can do these things then no one can stop you in succeeding because they are internal customers if they are happy then they can make external customers happy.
Motivation and Business 12th March 2014 11:44 AM
Hi Clive,

Yes you are the one of the rare who love their job, who wants to work but i assume not every employee of company would not be like you. May be not in your company but people around your family, friends would always motivate you.

I like your spirit towards job.

Thank You,
Motivation and Business 10th March 2014 1:05 PM
I appreciate your comment and i do agree with your points. Motivation always lift the moral of employees and it give a new power to them. I believe their should be motivational seminar twice in the year because 6 months are a long time period.

Thank You
Motivation and Business 8th March 2014 5:35 AM
Hi Steve,

I appreciate your comment on my discussions.

I seem you should assume this both for small and large business but patriotically large businesses. I agree with you at start up everyone is enthusiastic but later a bit they could be bored of the same working, same environment and etc. In this case there is always need of some motivation. Motivation can be express in different ways by increasing salary, by increasing status, or by doing motivational events it depends.

Sometimes company management or even boss sit with you and motivate you with different kind of motivational words i personally have experience with this.

I am not here for promotion but i am excited to see the views of different people around this form what they actually seem about all this.

As per my experience it should be integral part of the organisation because employees are internal customers of any organisation if they are happy self motivated then they can convince external customers as well.
Motivation and Business 6th March 2014 6:03 AM
Hi There,

I want to ask a question to you guys. Should motivational seminars be a internal strategy of any company? How many times an organisation should conduct motivational seminar? Please advice:

Your advice will be really appreciated.

Thank You
That is a great news. It means people are starting their own business or doing freelance. It will really jump the economy.