
Gis a wigit 16th August 2018 5:15 PM

hi Steve 

collectibulldogs is having an overhaul it’s good to keep things fresh and I’m lucky to have great host, if you would like MLS to have a small widget please can you send the code, there’s no charge but if you want this please send soon as website construction will be starting soon. 


Amazing collaboration 16th August 2018 5:11 PM

Steve when you see this. I cannot load images for some reason atm ? can confirm that we are teaming up with Bullish Mag a premier bulldog magazine that shows glossy pictures and adverts showcasing the worlds most respected Bulldog champions and their owners. We are offered a double page spread any month we wish and the magazine will have a new little segment with our picture on and awards won (got picture cannot post).

we see this as a step forward and come a long way since we first started as a hobby collector whom decided to show off some  ornaments, with no need of buying to be top of google we are so original there’s no other website in the world like us. 

With a tough end for the family last year and adapting to new surroundings this year has left me doing much less but I’m classing these achievements as accolades for 2018, from thinking no one has heard of me to turning down bloggers daily life sure has swung in my favour. 

Twitter offer 16th August 2018 4:58 PM
If I keep things the way they are it's not really a issue. Although I often wonder if my site is getting out dated ...It probably is   ... I'll have to wait and see how the xmas sale go as that is my busiest time for sure”

I just tweeted your url Andy #GiftsForHim #pewter #metals #giftideas if you leave other useful tags I’ll repost you 

Twitter offer 16th August 2018 12:43 PM
If I keep things the way they are it's not really a issue. Although I often wonder if my site is getting out dated ...It probably is   ... I'll have to wait and see how the xmas sale go as that is my busiest time for sure”

Google loves fresh content and re doing the website shows committed to the cause that helps the Domain Authority go up but you still need off page to pull in new interest or it will just be folks shopping for a perticukar item that will hit your site. Off page Seo and promo has moved me on leaps and bounds I don’t sell so it’s not been easy creating something that attracts up to 10 thousand vivitors a day. My offer of free advertising is for all on MLS that might need a boost or just want to be known more brand wise  


Thank you very much we sure are moving forwards now 

Our guest posts and blogging articles have just privaliged us with a second award the first from feedspot and now has sent us a widget (picture won’t upload) to add to our website to show we are an approved and genuine site to guest on or if you require a safe organic backlink (sometimes vital) we are a trust flow website  

today saw the coming together of Collectibulldogs and BULLISH MAG last time I was here I was happy to be an advert I cannot believe I’m equals to a premier mag, my website is asked for anchor text backlinks and blog placements now and I’m thundering through social media. With recent award and endorsement I see good things coming for what was a little collection online. 

Twitter offer 15th August 2018 1:09 PM
Yeah all good to a degree ..Google has really slammed the door in my face as every time they do a update it seems to get worse for me. I don't have the money to spend doing the right things as I know what needs doing ...   ”

That’s why I pay my friend and host a tiny monthly fee to keep website maintenance on page SEO he adds anything I’m no good at and changes website freely once a year with unlimited revisions. He even recovered over 100 original content articles 

This is awesome!! Congratulations! I am 40 and I love it 

Thank you miss I’m very lucky my wife has very youthful looks for a lady nearly our own age 

nov 2 at 4-30pm I’m to be at Brighton  registry office to marry my childhood sweetheart after 22yrs together I can finally afford a wedding  with my bike licence coming through too I can be married yet hit the open road for much needed mindset resets lol. Some people don’t find their feet for years and not all have it by the age of 21. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been I have a beautiful family ny wife’s gorgeous and my startup seems to have grabbed attention life’s good at 40 

been busy 14th August 2018 1:21 PM

Hi all at MLS please excuse the absence I’ve been both poorly and busy (think the two went together) I even lost all my passwords so felt like a numpty asking Steve for help, we had our exhibition last year at Brighton Museum which was a success and 2018 bought us a feedspot top 30 accolade a new award for our blogging and we are hoping boxer spike o Sullivan and bullish mag will be our first endorsements  we get syndicates wanting to guest post and offers of money for both blogs and backlinks due to our popularity. 

All this I’ve built up organic I got a Twitter purge so back to 158k (it’s where all dead accounts are deleted) I’ve built up 57k on instagram and can now post my articles in over 200 Facebook groups alone with a few million reader potential 

we are friendly and try to be as professional as we can for a struggling startup we offer our help of free advertising back link exchanges and product endorsement and open up our following to others even if it’s for monetary gain but in a way that makes contacts  our website always needs new backlinks and gets a makeover once a year but since restated we’ve had nearly 3 million visitors that’s 1 mil a yr (organic or social media referral). 

We still collect but have slowed down A due to prices B I’m getting married this yr so finances have been plundered by my wife to be, wether or not your struggling there’s nothing wrong with free help so hit me should you wish me to help you good folk 

after moving abruptly late last year it’s taken time to adjust and find space for what could be the worlds largest bulldog memorabilia collection and it’s this niche market combined with the worlds cutest bulldog that has been my secret through all this plus hard work, I except scepticism but you can check all 14 formats all my followers are people lol 


ave n wiggles