
Quicker Rankings Using YouTube? 4th April 2013 1:15 PM
If I were to get

20000 views: $20
500 likes: $28
500 comments: $96

on a youtube video, it would cost me $146, 100% safe and legit. I think I could get a better deal than that if I shop around


Don't want to give them a one-way link

That explains a bit.
Tell Me a Joke Game 1st April 2013 5:22 PM
Great fun guys Don`t forget that after you tell the joke, it is your turn to assign a topic

Topic: God
There you go.
Sorry, didn't read your first post properly.
Quicker Rankings Using YouTube? 1st April 2013 5:02 PM
From what I saw and experimented before, if you optimise a page for a certain keyword and do some quick link building(even low quality) and make Google find some of those links, the page appears to be in 1st page for about few days/weeks then gradually goes down and settles somewhere not to be found in the first couple of pages. So going to 1st page of Google is not a big deal. Staying there is!

No one can guarantee getting to the top of Google(First, you don't know what others doing and second, your Google could think otherwise). And as Steve mentioned, if someone does, then probably they are trying to game the system. It will work for short time(probably longer for some) but eventually it will be gone. Do it gradually/properly and quality/relevant link building will keep your site stay where it deserved even after some point you stopped doing SEO for them.
Tell Me a Joke Game 28th March 2013 4:31 PM
"At the rate law schools are turning them out, by 2050 there will be more lawyers than humans." Collected
You're never too old to tweet. 13th December 2012 12:03 PM
Did he type all those tweets? Just over a million followers now. Only 30 millions more to beat bieber. Come on Pope, you can do it
Laid back shop keeper... 7th December 2012 1:00 PM
That is exactly what my working hours are
Ok I give up Dreamraven! 21st November 2012 11:30 AM
Some people have far too much time on their hands !

As you can see by posting time, It only needed few minutes to crack it
Ok I give up Dreamraven! 21st November 2012 9:08 AM
In your night sky
The hearts river ends
Also, there is peacefulness, and those familiar flower blossoms

Source: Byakuya Kuchiki - Yozora no Kawa (lyrics & translation, slovensk
Who will Solve this?? 15th November 2012 3:12 PM
Angela Jason is the Daughter of Mike Jason, And Mike Jason is the .................... of Angela's Father.

Fill the Blank.

Don't Forget 15th November 2012 3:07 PM
Turn out is predicted to be low - I wonder what the actual % of electorate will bother?

If I had to give a penny for every time I did not vote, I would have been bankrupt!