
I hope this link works, cos i think vulnerable people need to be warned

Alarm raised after rise in complaints about crime fear conmen: Your council - Derbyshire County Council
I was a member of the FSB, they offered me free banking and a cheaper insurance for my company than i was getting.
Fine thought i, that means i have to join, so i did.
I was already getting free banking at the time, so that was not an issue, but the insurance company that i was using, gave me a fantastic coverage at a fairly reasonable price.
The FSB had an office in the building of the insurance company that we used, they offered a policy to cover my work from the same company, but with so many restrictions that i could not carry out my work efficiently.
To be insured through FSB and with the same company that i had used for several years, would mean height restrictions, ladder restrictions, hazardous chemical restrictions, no guns at all not even airguns, and various other restrictions. But the straw that broke the camels back was that they wanted an extra
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:59 PM
will do
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:46 PM
No problem with that cos it is already live and hosted in its own right, our other main site has approx 46 pages i believe and is the link that my signature below takes you to or if you want it is Pest Control in Swadlincote, Burton on Trent, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Derby,
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 3:29 PM
I am completely restructuring it at the moment, i will send you the details once i have kicked it about then i will be open to ideas but it will be my About us and what we do site it looks different to what you will see at the moment as i have not published it
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 2:47 PM
Thanks i will be taking you up on the offer shortly i think.
i am kicking around one of my sites to see what i think
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 2:28 PM
i see what you have done, and that is similar to how mine used to look.
I am seriously looking at offering the training as a side line to my present business and see where it takes me from there
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 1:51 PM
cheers i will bear that in mind, my brain is in overdrive at the moment cos as you probably have seen i have several websites and i am not sure which way to go.
i run with a serif programme at the moment i have used others but have found this one easy once i had a bit of practice, presumably once you have designed it etc i would then host it after deciding which domain to have, i have approx 20 all directed to various sites i own.
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 11:32 AM
Thanks Nathan
i am just looking into exactly that, i am looking at putting a box into the current website or a new simpler version via someone like you, whereby the customer can put in their postcode and find the nearest contractor . franchisee to them. similar to greenthumbs website
i will certainly keep this conversation in mind. also if you designed the webby for our needs and as a copy and past i presume that i could then add bits onto it as things change
is this possible? 22nd June 2012 11:13 AM
Thanks for the input, these are all thoughts and directions that i once had, but am now looking at it from a different angle.
You have given me a lot to think about and try to sort out, this i am about to do, and at the same time re sort out the website in anticipation of me carrying it forward. as a pest controller i found that a lot are in the same position as me this year due to the weather, but because of the damp weather the mould side of the business is still running. I am long term looking to have some kind of income to live on whilst still having a business, and so i could quite easily market the business as a franchise but without promises of work as it is seasonal, in which case it would be as per any business upto the owner of the business to push it as well.
I have new directions and you have rekindled old ideas but with a twist.

Thanks for the input