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I am planning to form a UK company (Ltd very likely) with a foreign partner. We will both deposit an investment and the operations will be mostly in the UK but it could by in my partner's country so we would take investment there too.

Are there any problems with the company formation and its bank account with the foreign partner not having a UK address? For the company address we can use mine.


Has anybody had any experience recovering money owed by a US company? I am owed
I wonder if there are people out there who have experience on VAT applied to items sent by courier from outside the EU. To summarise my story:
1- A client in the USA sent me by courier, on loan, an item for me to work with on his project.
2- He put a value on the item in case of a claim for loss or damage on the documentation you have to complete.
3- The courier told him to fill the courier's standard document entitled "commercial invoice" stating the item value and description, without asking if the recipient is paying for it.
4- I did not paying anything for the item sent to me and will return it to the sender.
5- Even if the sender made a mistake filling the invoice, he subsequently wrote to the courier and told them that the item was on loan and that I was not paying for it.
6- The courier applied a VAT charge for the item and sent me an invoice.
7- I complained to the courier that I should not pay VAT on something I did not buy.
8- The courier said on a message: "We appreciate that the goods were incorrectly entered through no fault of your own, but...."
9- The courier says I can claim the VAT back but I cannot as I am not registered for VAT and, why should I get into a bureaucratic procedure for their mistake?
10- I did not place the order with the courier, I only received the items and did not enter into any contract agreement with the courier.
11- I seem to remember that the courier forms say that the recipient may refuse to pay charges when receiving the item.
12- If the sender, the courier's client, sent the wrong document, why is the dispute between the courier and I?
13- The sender ticked on the invoice: "Duties and Taxes payable consignee" but I this was not done with my agreement.

Who pays here, the sender filling the invoice, the courier taking liberties to apply charges or me for receiving the item? When I send items the couriers make me put the item information on their standard "commercial invoice" form even though the item may not be sent for money, i. e. on loan or a gift.

Which is the best courier company? 11th November 2011 4:48 PM
For a small business, sending parcels abroad and in the UK, but not often, which is the best courier to have an account with? which company offers the best prices and service?
Any experience having an account with courier companies that members here have had?

Chancellor and his budget - hypocrisy 24th March 2011 11:39 AM
I cannot tell you how angry I was with the Chancellor when he started yelling in parliament "FROM NOW ON, I WANT TO SEE: INVENTED IN BRITAIN, DESIGNED IN BRITAIN, MADE IN BRITAIN..."
When his government is in the process of eliminating all grants, support and real (not token) advice to new business and product ideas, small businesses, technology developments and the like.
I just wanted to get it off my chest so I chose this forum.
Need advice on promotion by e-mail 13th January 2011 10:10 AM
You have actually got 2 types of data lists here: warm and cold.....

Very good information, thank you
Need advice on promotion by e-mail 6th January 2011 4:52 PM
Before any comments about it are posted, I am not working on a spam campaign. I would like some advice from people who promote services by e-mail. I will be sending information about my services to :
1- People who have already asked me to send it, by e-mail, after I spoke to them on the phone.
2- Companies that publish an e-mail address specifically for suppliers to send their info.

- Is it better or worse to design an e-mail with colour and company logo as opposed to a plain text e-mail?
- If adding photos (useful in my line of business) is it detrimental as the software at the other end can block either the pictures or the whole message?
- Is it better to provide a link to my website or add an attachment with the company information (like a PDF or a movie)? But, again, in my line of business, photos are needed so the attachment can be 2-3 MB in size.
- What is better to put or omit on the subject line so that the software does not send the message to the spam bin?

Thanks in anticipation.
Another question to keep bothering people:

The awarding authority has told me that they accept submissions in electronic format, like on PDF. However, is it worth the bother to print a nice document with the fancy comb binding and transparent covers as well as gimmicks like tabs etc? that will have a presence (sitting on the desk of the person who decides). Is it still easier to browse through documents in printed format than in pdf files? Is it easier to forget a document stored in your PC?

Or just do both? the pdf one will have links to my website, etc

ONE BIG QUESTION: Is it customary for the people looking at the tenders to contact the companies and ask for questions or do they judge on what is on the tender only? if they do not find what they are looking for in your tender, bad luck for you.

How the weather affects your buisness 2nd December 2010 12:11 PM
If this country had Russian weather, then it would be worthwhile for people to invest in snowsuits, snow boots, chains for their tyres, lagging for their pipes... we'd be set up to deal with it.

We do not have Russian weather but, considering that the present weather now happens every year, we should certainly be prepared for it. Where is all the modern technology?
All roads lead to the Business Link 2nd December 2010 12:01 PM
I had a meeting with a Business Link advisor and, every question I asked him, he entered it as keywords in Google in his PC. So at one point I thought "Ohhhh I did not know there was a magic box with this thing called Goggle (or something) which I could buy in a magic box shop called PC Planet and that I could do the same at home! wow!"