strumalongphill - Profile


Forum titleBusiness Owner
JoinedMay 2014
Latest activity 14th Nov 2014 2:37pm  
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Please put up interest rates now. 

If your savings don't make anything you will not save . The world goes into freefall.

Its cruel but the people that took advantage of low rates were never realy in the running . To close to the bone on affordability 

please get us out of cloud cuckoo  land and back into reality.

Bad review couple win compensation 7th November 2014 12:37 PM

The long and short of this is the review system is a pointless one if every time you report bad service or products you run the risk of court action. Thank god I only have good ones at the moment .  I think the the right to reply to your review is the only right you should have. At least you can defend your corner.

Then is it not time to get out and run the free market. Germany as already admitted they are in the poop. Even rats desert a sinking ship.

Bank Holiday season again... 8th May 2014 8:29 AM

 Afraid so all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is the old saying.

Would you like refreshed and revitalised employees or knackerd burnt out ones