Enjoy the recovery? Could be a recession on the horizon says IMF

By : Administrator
Published 10th October 2014 |
Read latest comment - 17th November 2014

Just thought I'd bring some Friday cheer.

All the doom and gloom signals are rising as the IMF warned there is a 40% chance of the Eurozone going back into recession and Chinas housing bubble will have an inevitable outcome.

The BBC interviewed George Osbourne who is keen to reassure everyone that we are in a better place than we were previously, but concedes we are seeing a slowdown as a result of the impact from Europe, and said the UK will be affected. But is confident we can weather the storm...

So good while it lasted or storm in a teacup?

Guessing it's going to be importers and exporters who will be the first to see or feel any impact. For selfish reasons, it's nice to see the pound weaker against the pound as a lot of our revenue is in dollars. But lets hope its more of a blip than a recession...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Then is it not time to get out and run the free market. Germany as already admitted they are in the poop. Even rats desert a sinking ship.

The Strumalong Guitar School

I can't say I'm convinced that we are out of a recession as wages are still to low and the cost of living to high and this is why the B of E has not put up interest rates, if it did put them up there will be repossessions up and down the country. I think that for a lot of UK workers they are living on a week to week existence with little or nothing left at the end of the week. One small tweek of the interest rates would see these peoples lives turn upside down over night.


Please put up interest rates now. 

If your savings don't make anything you will not save . The world goes into freefall.

Its cruel but the people that took advantage of low rates were never realy in the running . To close to the bone on affordability 

please get us out of cloud cuckoo  land and back into reality.

The Strumalong Guitar School

Interesting to see some of the quotes coming out of the recent G20 meeting.

According to the beeb:

"Red warning lights" are once again flashing over the state of the global economy, the prime minister has said.

Speaking after the G20 meeting of world leaders, David Cameron said a "dangerous backdrop of instability" threatened Britain's recovery, and "we should stick to our long-term plan".

What happened to the positivity of a few months ago?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Sam goes away, recession lessens, sam comes back? All heck breaks loose..... Just sayin' xD


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