Employers - is an unprofessional email address one of your top CV hates?

By : Business Owner
Published 17th May 2017 |
Read latest comment - 30th May 2017

We've been out there speaking with employers, gaining feedback through recruitment forums and chatting with our fellow recruitment buddies over a bottle of wine in the pub!

Everyone seems to say the same thing............. An unprofessional email address is frowned upon! But surprisingly a number of employers actually LIKE it rather than HATE it!

Why? Well, they like it because if a candidate uses an unprofessional email address right at the top of their CV they can see clearly what kind of individual they are and unlikely to be the kind of candidate that they would want to employ!

What are your thoughts?

Hope we can help with your recruitment advertising.
With 30 year's experience we're good at what we do!

Hello again, I have moved your post to this part of the forum hope you don't mind!

I see where you are coming from, I have so many different email addresses connected to different things, with work and personal, we see a lot of Russian emails at MLS and gmails, and it is one of my pet hates too!

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

I think common sense is the deciding factor. Unsavoury or childish words/sentiment in an email address won't reflect favourably for a professional business position IMHO. 

But to counter, a little humour does show some personality. I think most people have a good idea about what you should or shouldn't do.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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