Google page 1

By Mark Pitts : Entrepreneur
Published 27th November 2010 | Last comment 25th August 2012
forum avatarssbs
15th January 2011 2:08 PM
Congrats. You are now at a position where most people are striving to get to!

forum avatarKip FX Design
15th January 2011 2:12 PM
He is only there through his own diligence, and I seen his stats last night, truly awesome!

Mark has done everything he should, he has not lost faith after two weeks like most, and now he is reaping the rewards! Legend!

He is only there through his own diligence, and I seen his stats last night, truly awesome!

Mark has done everything he should, he has not lost faith after two weeks like most, and now he is reaping the rewards! Legend!

Thanks for the support

Mark Pitts

forum avatarplaces optimisation
17th January 2011 11:08 AM
Congrats on your success, hard work pays off! Do you do any locally targeted google marketing aswell? It's a vital part of any advertising campaign on google in my opinion.

forum avatarrash001
22nd January 2011 5:07 AM
Staying in google page 1 for a longer period is really good, but for that you have to work very hard.


forum avatarrichprice
24th January 2011 9:45 AM

Firstly i would like to say you "congrats". You did a fabulous work and you need to work hard to stay at the same position. Even i want the same and hoping to achieve it.


forum avatarcomparextraincome
24th January 2011 12:23 PM
Well done Mark! It's a bit like a lottery win cracking page 1 of Google lol, hope it brings you lots of business

forum avatarmark henry
26th January 2011 5:34 AM
well that is a very good news as in Google, it takes a lot of time to get on the 1st page

Thanks for all the help, still getting a lot of google traffic.

Mark Pitts

forum avatarYouMyWorld
30th January 2011 2:53 PM
Congrat! I want same spot for my search! Wish me luck! And all the best to you!!!

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