Google page 1

By Mark Pitts : Entrepreneur
Published 27th November 2010 | Last comment 25th August 2012
It should be noted that 'odd shaped pools' does not register on Google's keyword richter scale with any search volume at all for exact or phrase search results

Also, be careful not to follow broad search results when choosing the best keywords for your website.

I have noticed a lot of people saying they're at page 1 for this and that, and are either unaware that nobody really uses that phrase to search on, or they are unaware they are looking at the broad search results, and not checking the exact search results.

The exact search results tell you how many people are searching on that exact keyword.

As said, it's nice to get to google page 1, but pretty pointless if it's a given fact that hardly anyone searches on that phrase in the first place.

Choose keywords that have at least a reasonable amount that have a chance of converting. Do some research and see if there are some better keywords out there you could use instead.


Thanks for the points you highlighted, agree that we need to monitor the volumes but if you get 10 enquires and you get 8 hits then your web site is working for you, specially if you convert them into sales.

Mark Pitts

8 hits & 10 enquiries?


obvious, 2 people bought 2 swiming pools

Still dreaming of my first

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

obvious, 2 people bought 2 swiming pools

Still dreaming of my first

At least you do not need to do a search when you need one.
Special discounts to friends!

Mark Pitts

No hoping Mark, you make it happen!

Kip just to say we have another 3 pages on page 1, Christmas has come early, lol

Mark Pitts

forum avatarKip FX Design
10th December 2010 9:24 AM
Congrats Mark, and like I said, you make it happen, unlike 98% of website owners, you listen to advice, and use it.

No such thing as luck, your constant blog/articles, and use of social media is what is working for you.

And having just looked at your kstats, I noticed some of the search terms you are being found for, people are coming to your website for help and tips too, you are setting yourself up as a pool guru, I use you as an example with new clients, I might even do a case study with you if it is OK, as you are the perfect example of somebody that uses your website properly.

Keep it up Mark!

Congrats Mark, and like I said, you make it happen, unlike 98% of website owners, you listen to advice, and use it.

No such thing as luck, your constant blog/articles, and use of social media is what is working for you.

And having just looked at your kstats, I noticed some of the search terms you are being found for, people are coming to your website for help and tips too, you are setting yourself up as a pool guru, I use you as an example with new clients, I might even do a case study with you if it is OK, as you are the perfect example of somebody that uses your website properly.

Keep it up Mark!

Also a good web design helps us maintain the site.

Mark Pitts

Position 3 on page 1 now, going for the top spot!

Mark Pitts

Yes, positon 1 page 1, happy new year!

Mark Pitts

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