Virgin to finally get into Retail Banking?

By : Administrator
Published 8th January 2010 |
Read latest comment - 11th January 2010

From the BBC:

Virgin Money has said it now has a means of developing a UK retail banking business after buying regional bank Church House Trust.

Virgin will pay

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I have always admired Branson and what he has achieved
The one thing that always set him apart from the rest of the blue chip bunch was his customer service. Unfortunately this has severely slipped over the years and I just labeled him as another ran.

There was a customer satisfaction survey carried out by one of the big comms forums recently and Virgin media came second to last after Orange.

now for 3 to beat you the service has to be bad.


Interesting take, customer service, and rightly so has always been one of his main drivers in the past. Is this a case of an organisation now becoming too large and faceless?

You could argue Microsoft went the same way, and Google could be in danger of going a similar way?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

dont start me on MS I spent an hour on the phone the other day trying to explain to the injuns that I did not recieve my parcel.
it went something like this.

I have not recieved my parcel
Why not
I dont know thats why I am calling you.
but we shipped it
Great I did not recieve
so on what day did you recieve it
I have not recieved anything
so you have not recieved it
so what day was that then
are you trying to wind me up
Sorry Eddie
Who the hell is Eddie
when can I have my replacement part
We have already shipped it

and alas it all started again form the start of the conversation.

Then when they actually agreed that I had not recieved it they sent me a form to fill out staring with
HI Eddie
Many thanks for contacting us please could you detail your problem.


outsourced call centre + reliance on scripts and no free thought + poor quality staff/low wages =

unhappy and frustrated customers

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarKip FX Design
11th January 2010 11:50 AM
Branson is an icon and an inspiration, but if his banking is anything like his tellybox, no way Jose!

We are out of our contract soon, and its a very welcome out!

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