Revenue chief who approved Goldman Sachs tax deal announces retirement

By : Business Start Up
Published 10th December 2011 |
Read latest comment - 12th December 2011

The head of Revenue & Customs is to retire in the wake of revelations about his organisation's decisions to waive millions of pounds owed by corporations.

Dave Hartnett, 60, will step down as the permanent secretary for tax next summer, a spokesman said . He will leave with a pension pot worth

Today's Guardian says Mr Mba, who reported this odd behaviour by his boss to the National Audit Office (the government's auditors) and to the Parliamentary Committee (in one sense Parliament is HRMC's boss), has been subjected to HRMC's formal disciplinary system and may be prosecuted as well.thumbsdown

Apparently Mr Mba's boss isn't facing any disciplinary action for causing the inexplicable loss of


The wheels of inefficient bureaucracy grind ever onwards...and we reward incompetence with a

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

The wheels of inefficient bureaucracy grind ever onwards...and we reward incompetence with a


Maybe we should all go out there and make some BIG mistakes!!!

Made a few clunkers over the years, never been rewarded though

Must try harder!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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