answering services

By : Growing Business
Published 1st April 2010 |
Read latest comment - 1st April 2010

we're often out of the office and so we decided to try an answering service that emails us whenever there is a genuine call, and doesn't bother us if it's a time waster.

we had a 2 week free trial with Call answering service, telephone answering service and virtual PA services - Reception Bureau and now we're using them a lot.

we pay

Looks pretty good.

We use a VA ourselves. Mainly to handle any call overflow, and she's very professional. The switch over is seemless, and as far as a customer is concerned, they are dealing with a rep of the company.

These services are becoming more common, but would certainly recommend ours Message Angels

An extremely cost effective way of absorbing more inbound calls without having to pay for more expensive bums on seats.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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