Thanks all, his funeral is next Thursday but wont be going though, letting all close family go as they can only have so many people there
PostsI feel sad of them. 21st January 2021 1:13 PM One for the UK parents! 12th January 2021 9:48 PM HAHA .. My 1 grandchild is 1 of them.. He is doing OK though as we enforce it as he gets his school work from the school website and everything is printed off and returned to the school I feel sad of them. 12th January 2021 9:45 PM I know. While I have had to work though this I always wear a mask when ever I get out of the car. I am now ignoring the ignorant as there is not much else to do. But when a family member dies from out it does bring it even more to the forefront I feel sad of them. 11th January 2021 7:54 PM Just had some sad news today .My wife's Uncle who was a real jem of a person passed away this evening.. So really sad he's gone Onwards and upwards... 31st December 2020 11:00 PM Same to you and everyone else on the site I feel sad of them. 30th December 2020 9:20 PM This Virus has just struck our family in a bad way .. My wife's Uncle is really really sick at the moment with Covid and is possibly in 1 of the highest categories as has had a heart attacked about 2 years ago.. I believe he is very bad at the moment.. I really hope he pulls though as he's a genuine person and a bit of a joker and loves a laugh ,often at his expense To mask or not to mask, that is the question... 28th December 2020 6:25 PM Pity you can't have funny faces on the thank you tab as well I feel sad of them. 25th December 2020 7:07 PM Like all other viruses we learn to live with them.. 10 or so years from now it will be just a normal everyday issue that needs to be dealt with
Happy Xmas & bugger off 2020 25th December 2020 7:04 PM Merry Xmas all on here from me too... Been a OK year for me as my lifestyle hasn't changed much, It's what happens when you sacrifice going out and having fun for a larger house than needed. I was actually thinking of down sizing , but with Corona it has changed as you can't go out To mask or not to mask, that is the question... 24th December 2020 10:22 PM I saw this the other day and it completely cracked me up... But the principle is correct