
A Little Help Please 1st May 2015 7:15 PM

Free legal advice issue ... halfway house maybe?  And use the material to market your services, push your site higher up the search engine rankings  and boost your visitor numbers?

How about offering to do a limited number of free answers to specific legal issues (eg one a week or once a month) on the basis that the person asking for your help agrees to let you display on the site an anonymous version of both the issue and the expert's answer?  This is similar to what I do for another careers and jobs site.   

Worried or naïve callers sometimes include in their request information that identifies them personally or would jeopardise their situation if it became known to the wrong people.  You'll need to carefully edit the callers' information and the experts' replies before displaying anything on your site to protect the interests of everyone concerned.  I've had to remove, for example, personal information about enquirers' state of health, where they live, their family circumstances, their earlier employers and the rest of it. 

Would you also need to run a security check on your site to ensure no information got leaked to anyone who shouldn't have it?

UK inflation now officially zero 26th April 2015 10:48 PM
I read - a long, long time ago! - that countries needed an inflation rate around the 2% pa mark. If it was lower than 2% there was a risk of unmanageable deflation and of debts becoming unmanageable too. Haven't a clue whether the 2% inflation figure is still regarded as the minimum safe level of inflation ...
UK Car and Van sales at a new high 17th April 2015 2:19 PM

"my experience is that  folk beginning to spend ( invest) in their health regimens too"

I find it very reassuring when a significant percentage of the public starts buying the "feel good" products / services again, it shows they now feel more confident! 

It's "batten down the hatches" time when the public only buys the essentials (and as few of them as they can manage).     

UK Car and Van sales at a new high 15th April 2015 11:30 PM

There's a huge "disconnect" for me between the news of national positive indicators (eg this rise in car sales) and what I actually see around me, in other areas of business life. 

OK other factors are at play too (eg high street shops are in decline partly because of the rise in online purchasing).  Is this a (long overdue) recovery?  Is it a national recovery - or only one affecting a few favoured areas like the South East?         

12 months domain name plus hosting = £144.  Not a fortune I know but  .... 

Hi All

Would be interested please in any advice / thoughts you can offer.  I've raised this topic briefly with my hosting company already but haven't yet followed up the conversation.   

I'm almost completely retired now  and intend to be "even more so" after July this year.  I may potter about doing the odd bit of careers counselling for someone who refers him or herself (or is referred by a past client) but no more than that .... and probably less than that .  What I'm still wondering about is what I do with my (commercially hosted) company web site and associated email addresses.  I'm not keen on paying commercial rates to keep the web site and email addresses live but I'd be perfectly happy with a kind of shadowy presence if that's possible. 

I'm not sure I'd want to sell the website / domain name to another organisation even if they had commercial value (which they're unlikely to have).   I haven't done any marketing or updating for the last 3 years or so (probably longer).

Any helpful suggestions please? 

It does seem more fair that all creditors (lenders, suppliers, HMRC and employees) should be on an equal footing when dividing up any company cash available ....

Any thoughts on the Budget? 18th March 2015 11:42 PM

I'd been expecting something a bit more exciting - and there wasn't anything.  What did I miss?

Aldi and lidl business model 13th March 2015 10:41 PM

More restricted range (so lower inventory costs)?

More efficient back office operations?
