PostsWindows 8 our first impressions - (Now upgrade to Windows 10) 1st June 2015 12:57 PM I've "reserved" my free copy of Windows 10, a "head over heart" decision.
I'm distinctly unenthusiastic about anything technical that looks different or needs different techniques to use so I'm hoping windows 10 won't be really different from windows 7. The techies don't seem to think there'll be much that's "really" new ... UK Car and Van sales at a new high 28th May 2015 12:08 PM So it was a pushy try-on. I still wouldn't want to buy from a business that had treated me the way you've been treated. UK Car and Van sales at a new high 24th May 2015 1:16 PM Do you have to buy from that uncooperative dealer? I wouldn't buy from anyone giving me hassle even before I'd made the purchase! Can't you find out everything you'd want to know by emailing the manufacturer's marketing team direct, explaining you want to buy (you think) but can't without the information you'd sought from the dealer? You might be able to kill two "birds" with one "stone" (imagine evil cackles!) ... A personal story ....... NHS at its best? 23rd May 2015 3:28 PM Glad to hear you're getting it sorted out, Garde but in future please treat yourself as being the priority and not the business! Agree with you about the NHS, it is a pretty wonderful organisation in spite of the worst the government throws at it. Labour Party - your fired says Sugar 12th May 2015 7:13 PM I suspect Lord Sugar's behaviour towards the Labour party has been more loyal than Peter Mandelson's! Election 2015 - so what do you think of it so far? 8th May 2015 11:55 AM
54% 18 to 25-year-olds clueless about VE Day 7th May 2015 2:20 PM I think it's quite a leap to say not remembering what VE day was all about means knowing very little about the causes and consequences of WW2. My careers counselling activities mean I've spoken to many teenagers over the years about their studies - the ones who've studied History at "A" Level seem to have covered the interwar, WW2 and post WW2 years in more depth than other equally significant periods (eg the Civil War and its aftermath, the Industrial Revolution and the changes in Victorian society when we were adapting from localism to an organised state). Views on my business 6th May 2015 9:33 PM I'd have said it was perfectly acceptable to push the fliers through the door BUT if you're an unknown business no-one's likely to keep your info UNLESS you've introduced yourself and explained the benefits of what you offer. You'll need to speak to whoever it is within the company who orders supplies - or who influences the decision what to order. Views on my business 6th May 2015 9:10 AM If you've not done some market research into how businesses buy their first aid supplies (eg part of a package or stand-alone); what's important to them (eg convenience or cost-savings?); and typically how much they spend on first aid supplies each year, you need to do it before you start your business. I suggest you do the market research in an area like your target one but geographically different from it. Explain to the people talking to you that you won't be coming after them for business but you really would appreciate some straight talking from them about whether your business model is likely to work. I worry that your approach (pushing fliers through business doors) might take a lot of your time but result in few sales. Do you live near a huge number of businesses all in the same area? Election 2015 - so what do you think of it so far? 5th May 2015 10:29 PM What do you think of the election so far??? Emotionally exhausting! Polls almost but not quite static for weeks. Personally I hope Miliband does get to be PM, with the SNP having sufficient MPs at Westminster to stop a Labour government drifting towards New Labour policies. Unlike Barney, I think the Tories and Lib Dems under Clegg have been absolutely dreadful.