The NHS always seems to be in the press for one reason or another, or someone is trying to sue them for malpractice - well i have nothing but praise for them
I'd thought i'd share my own experience of the last 2 weeks.
Several weeks ago my now not so new partner told me she didn't like the look of a few moles on my back- i dismissed them as nothing as i was busy with the sister site project but agreed to go once things quietened down.
I went to the GP around 2 or 3 weeks ago who referred me to a specialist clinic. I had a letter within a week but i postponed it due to being away for a few days. I deferred until this Monday (18th), who then stated i would need to go to hospital to see a dermatologist with a view to having it removed.
Wednesday afternoon i had a call asking me to attend another clinic as the file had been marked URGENT and i was to attend at a local hospital Thursday (yesterday).
S**t i thought - this doesnt sound good
I went along and despite a slight delay in waiting past my appointment time i was seen by a consultant and had a thorough examination of the suspect looking moles.
Didnt really take in much of what he said as i was terrified - i heard the words - i don't think its too sinister !!! Yes it needs to come off but not for a few weeks and then its only precautionary but it will be biopsied to double check.
The likely cause of this - too much sun exposure without a high enough SPF from when i was younger when SPF wasnt even considered!
A cautionary note for all you sun worshipers from the BBC website today:
Quarter of skin cells 'on road to cancer
How anyone can knock the NHS? I have received nothing but the best treatment at the most incredible speed. Seems when Cancer is mentioned the NHS machine whirls in to action.
For someone who lost their father due to cancer, mother has had it twice resulting in a mastectomy and then 2 skin cancers removed i again can only praise the NHS as on a whole ( there were a few blips with my fathers care towards the end) but on the main the NHS has been spot on with each and every treatment.
I think my family have had their share of bad luck with this terrible disease. I'm hoping my consultant is spot on and its nothing more than an ugly mole. Surgery date TBA